Date published: 09/08/2022

Creation of the GCR Quality Committee

October 6, 2016 – La garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR) (The residentialconstruction warranty) announces the creation of the GCR Quality Committee, on which will the sitthe ACQ, APCHQ and QuebecOrder ofarchitects.


This committee should address more particularly an existing problem in Quebec, namely residential construction defects, including those observed in 2016. These non-compliances with the Construction Code were identified by the GCR inspectors, crisscrossing the province to inspect the sitesof contractors accredited with the new residential buildings guarantee.

Daniel Laplante, GCR’s CEO, states that "convening the construction industry at a round table" is, no doubt, "the first step" toward increased quality of residential construction in Quebec. The committee will be led by Robert Périnet, architect, a GCR technical expert.

The GCR Quality Committee will develop a "training framework" with a view to correctidentified non-compliances. The goal is to insure compliance with the requirements of the Quebec Construction Code, and to prevent recurrence.

According to GCR, the contractor’s associations «are in favor of setting up such a committee." The latter should contribute to better serve the consumer cause. After all they are entitled to expect that residential dwellings are up to standards,in order to have peace of mind when acquiring a property.

Montreal, October 6, 2016