

36 Articles


Dossier Pimbina : comment prévenir les désastres ?

28 avril 2023 - Le cas de la copropriété Pimbina est une réelle catastrophe pour ses nombreux copropriétaires. Les nombreux problèmes de qualité des constructions résidentielles au Québec sont bien réels. Plusieurs acteurs de l’industrie voient depuis longtemps la fumée à l’horizon et s’époumonent à crier au feu, mais nos institutions semblent souffrir de cécité et de surdité. Au quotidien, nous aidons des copropriétés qui subissent les coûteuses conséquences de problèmes de qualité datant de la conception…...



The imperative of maintenance in co-ownership

December 10, 2012 - Proper governance of a co-ownsership building starts with diligent and thorough maintenance. Unfortunately, this responsibility is often overlooked by many co-ownership syndicates until the consequences of their procrastination result in exorbitant repair costs. History has shown that delaying necessary maintenance work only worsens and increases expenses exponentially. Neglecting preventive maintenance and regular inspections can lead to catastrophic failures, compromising the safety of residents and the value of their real estate investment....



Inspecter son stationnement, c’est payant !

Si vous habitez, administrez ou gérez une copropriété possédant un stationnement souterrain, vous avez fort probablement entendu parler de la loi 122 (chapitre bâtiment du Code de sécurité) adoptée il y a quelques années. Une des dispositions de cette loi cible les parcs de stationnement étagés. Si votre stationnement possède une zone de roulement ne reposant pas au sol, la loi exige, entre autres choses, qu’une vérification approfondie soit faite tous les 5 ans par…...



The importance of long-term vision

November 21, 2022 - The management of a co-ownership requires a long-term vision that not only takes into account immediate needs but also the future implications of maintenance and renovation decisions. A strategic approach involves regularly evaluating the condition of the building and planning necessary interventions before problems become critical. In one of my columns, I highlighted a troubling issue affecting many co-ownerships in Quebec: the lack of maintenance of the real estate heritage. This…...



Awarding a construction contract : be careful!

May 3, 2022- The duty of maintenance and conservation of the building that falls to the administrators of a co-ownership involves one day doing business with construction contractors. Whether it is to replace the roof, renovate the entrance hall or repair brick siding and masonry, it is important to be vigilant when awarding such contracts, given their often very high costs. As agents of the syndicate, directors must act with caution, in order to protect the…...



Combatting mold in co-ownership: A health Issue

June 16, 2022 – The presence of mold in an apartment is not to be taken lightly. These microscopic fungi, in addition to causing aesthetic damage to surfaces, can significantly impact air quality and, consequently, the health of residents. In divided co-ownership, where the proximity of living spaces increases the risk of spread, heightened vigilance is required....



Management of rooftop terraces and parkings in co-ownership: Challenges and solutions

May 18, 2022 – In many co-ownerships, the creation of common spaces in the form of rooftop terraces on underground parkings enhances the collective living space. These rooftop terraces, considered essential components of modern architecture, present various maintenance challenges. While offering numerous benefits, they can be the source of structural problems requiring significant repair and maintenance interventions. When signs of deterioration appear, it is crucial to act quickly to avoid potential more serious damage.  ...



Prevention and maintenance of the building envelope

April 18, 2022 - Since their boom in the 1980s, co-ownership residences have grown increasingly popular. However, with a useful life cycle of about twenty years for many of their components, a notable deterioration of the building envelope has been observed for over a decade. This degradation is often attributable to a lack of rigor in maintenance programs, leading to premature wear of structural elements without administrators and managers being able to anticipate and prepare…...



Spring cleaning time!

April 10, 2022 - Finally, the good weather is here! The frenzy of spring cleaning and the call of floral beauty capture us all as soon as Mother Nature graces us with her mercy after a long winter. This period of renewal is especially significant in the condominium aspect, where the maintenance and landscaping of common areas are of utmost importance. We will share with you some aspects of landscaping that can impact the components…...



Unités de toit

12 janvier 2015 - Le Code du Québec, demande de ventiler les logements selon certaines normes. Ceci implique d’évacuer de l’air continuellement à l’extérieur, le plus souvent par les ventilateurs de salles de bain. Mais cela implique aussi d’introduire mécaniquement de l’air de remplacement en quantité égale. Cela peut se faire de deux façons, par un système individuel dans chaque logement ou par un système d’alimentation d’air central au toit, distribuant l’air dans les logements....
