August 5, 2023 - Experience in building envelopes is a crucial factor, especially in the current context marked by the stringent requirements of the Building Chapter of the Safety Code (CBCS). Given the obligation for condominium associations to conduct periodic inspections, choosing a qualified professional becomes essential. This particularly resonates with my 35-year journey as an architect who has developed solid skills in this field. Despite my extensive experience, I remain humble and aware of the limits of my expertise, in contrast to some self-proclaimed "experts" whose overblown claims elicit a certain skepticism in me.
The mirage of advanced technologies
In Quebec, many companies specializing in building envelopes use advanced technologies, such as infrared, to identify anomalies. Although this method may seem innovative and effective at first glance, it can lead to various interpretations that require an expert eye. The experience and skill of a seasoned professional are indispensable for accurately analyzing and understanding the problems associated with a building's envelope by examining its facade.
The requirement of professionalism
Professionalism, a hallmark of every competent member of the Order of Architects, is grounded in essential values and practices. My approach, characterized by transparency and rigor, is demonstrated by providing a detailed service offer to each condominium association, specifying the nature and scope of the required investigations.
Detailed inspection process
Inspecting a building envelope requires a precise and comprehensive methodology, from the meticulous analysis of facades to the complete documentation of anomalies. This thorough process is crucial for identifying problems and planning the necessary interventions.
Choosing the right professional
It is critical to select a truly competent professional in the field of building envelopes. Hiring a pseudo-specialist can lead to inadequate and costly work, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of the co-ownership occupants.
Conclusion and call to action
For renovation or maintenance projects of divided co-ownership buildings, I invite you to consult my professional expertise. With my experience, I commit to providing qualified assistance aimed at preserving the durability and integrity of your real estate heritage.
Georges Fallah, Architect
Membre de l’Ordre des Architectes du Québec (MOAQ)
Président de G.A.P.Immeubles inc
Tél. : (450) 478-8807
Fax : (450) 478-4932
Courriel : [email protected]
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