Your Rights

Questions & Answers

38 Articles

caricature labor relations between syndicate and employees
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Accessibility for people with reduced mobility: what are the obligations of a syndicate?

Under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, adisabled co-owner is asking us to install four automatic door openers in the common portions, two of which have a remote-controlled joystick.  This co-owner told us that a significant portion of the installation costs would be covered by the Home Adaptation Program of the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ). However, when it was purchased, more than two years ago, this co-owner was already in a wheelchair.  He…...

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Notice of arbitration: what should the syndicate do with it upon receipt?

According to article 477 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the syndicate has the obligation to notify the co-owners of the subject of a legal claim to inform them, within five days of receipt of the notification. However, I sent a notice of arbitration to the directors by registered mail. I then forwarded the notice with the proof of receipt to a Mediation and Arbitration Centre.  Question: Does a notice of arbitration fall into this…...

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Is a syndicate of co-owners always liable for damages caused by the common portions?

A disaster occurred in the dwelling of a co-owner in the basement because of water infiltration caused by a crack in the concrete wall. Building insurance does not cover this type of loss. The syndicate quickly had the crack repaired. In terms of damage to the interior of the dwelling, some of the damage is to improvements (flooring) and some to basic structures (plaster walls). The co-owner refuses to call on his insurer to separate the…...

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How can I access my information?

A co-owner made complaints against me to the syndicate of co-ownership. I asked for a list of complaints about me to find out exactly what I am accused of. I had a refusal as an answer. Question: How can I access this information? Which form do I need to fill out? Who do I contact if the syndicate does not cooperate?...

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Bird feeders that disturb

My upstairs neighbor set up bird feeder on her balcony. However, this attracts a lot of birds that make droppings on my balcony, causes an unpleasant sound noise (blue jays), and my cats who are used to going to the balcony catch the birds and eat them. Also, I fear that in the long term, we will find ourselves having problems with some rodents and / or early breakage due to droppings. For my neighbor,…...

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Neighbourhood disturbances: olfactory nuisances (odours)

New co-owners have recently moved in. They cook a lot, a lot, with a lot of spices and other condiments. As soon as it gets out of the elevator an intense smell runs through the entire corridor. It is unbearable. Question: Is there a regulation/section of law regarding this inconvenience?...

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Co-ownership: Doing justice to yourself

We would like to know what our rights are with respect to the members of the board of directors. We asked them on more than one occasion, a copy of the minutes of our last meeting of co-owners (which took place three months ago). Under article 1102.1 of the Civil Code of Quebec, the board of directors must send the co-owners the minutes of any meeting of the co-owners within 30 days of the meeting.…...

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Permission for children to play in common portions of the co-ownership

I am a co-owner in a co-ownership in phases of 10 syndicates of co-owners who share a grassy lot in common part. Until the arrival of young children in the condos the space was not very busy. Currently it is the regular meeting place for children and their parents (end of the day during the week and weekends depending on the temperature). The temporary installation of inflatable games and water games (stored after each use)…...

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Co-ownership for two: risks of blockages inherent in decision-making

We are only two co-owners and directors. When I arrived a year ago, there was no management of the co-ownership, no assembly. I have held two meetings for a year and informed the other co-owner of the legislation in terms of co-ownership and the existence of the declaration of co-ownership, the latter having no notion on this subject. In addition, a year ago, I told him that his balcony needed to be repaired since it…...

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Location en copropriété divise: la discrimination est en principe interdite

Je suis propriétaire locateur d'unités de condo. Le syndicat de la copropriété a voté récemment un règlement pour facturer au propriétaire des frais lorsqu'un locataire emménage ou déménage. Bien que ces frais soient élevés, est-ce qu'un recours pourrait être possible si toutefois ces frais augmentaient au point d'être abusif (disons 10 000$) ? Question : Qui peut juger du caractère abusif ou pas d'un tel règlement adopté par l'assemblée générale annuelle? Est-ce qu'un recours pourrait…...

Your Rights