Your Rights


19 Articles


Abusive conduct by a Syndicate Director

In their dealings with co-owners, board members must act with loyalty and fairness. They must refrain from any gesture that could amount to a settling of scores. This rule of conduct is fundamental and failure to comply with it constitutes a fault that may engage the liability of both the syndicate and the directors, personally. A judgment of the Court of Quebec sanctioned the abusive behaviour of members of the board of directors of a syndicate.…...

Your Rights


Failure of a syndicate to undertake work in common portions

The obligation of the syndicate of co-ownership to maintain common portions, especially those with limited use such as balconies, skylights, and other common portions, has been the subject of much discussion since 1994. In this regard, article 1039 of the Civil Code of Quebec provides that the community of co-owners constitutes, as soon as the declaration of co-ownership is published, a legal person whose purpose is the conservation of the building and the maintenance and…...

Your Rights


Housing exchange: what does the declaration of co-ownership say?

Many websites today promote residential housing exchanges between owners, offering an attractive solution to maximize the use of one's property. Whether you are considering a reciprocal exchange with another owner or an exchange based on "hospitality points"—referred to as "GuestPoints" on some online platforms—it is essential to consider several legal aspects. Exchanging a residential property within a reciprocal framework is generally not considered a commercial activity, as long as certain rules are respected. Naturally, it…...

Your Rights


How to organize a meeting of co-owners smoothly

October 15, 2023- The Meeting of co-owners is a major event in the life of a co-ownership. A meeting at least once a year, it is decisive since it allows the making of major decisions that impact the lives and finances of the co-owners. The board of directors' mission is to take care of the convening and holding of the meeting of co-owners but also of the execution of the decisions it votes. Decisions taken…...

Your Rights


Huissier de justice et Locataire

9 septembre 2014 - Le locataire doit respecter les dispositions de la déclaration de copropriété. En effet, l’article 1057 du Code civil du Québec, se lit comme suit : «Article 1057 –   Le règlement de l’immeuble est opposable au locataire ou à l’occupant d’une partie privative, dès qu’un exemplaire du règlement ou des modifications qui lui sont apportées lui est remis par le copropriétaire ou, à défaut, par le syndicat.»...

Your Rights


L'huissier dans les assemblées de copropriétaires

17 novembre 2016 - L’huissier de justice est souvent mandaté afin d’assister à une assemblée générale annuelle et/ou spéciale. Toutefois, pour ce faire, il doit être porteur d’une procuration valide reçue d’un copropriétaire. Cette procuration doit lui permette d’assister à la dite assemblée ou toutes autres assemblées ultérieures si cette dernière est suspendue ou remise à des dates ultérieures, car très souvent les copropriétaires et/ou membres du conseil d’administration peuvent demander à l’huissier de quitter les…...

Your Rights


L'huissier de justice et son rôle en copropriété divise

11 juin 2020- L'huissier de justice, en sa qualité d'officier de justice, représente un allié important et efficace pour l’ensemble des  copropriétaires, gestionnaires et syndicats de copropriété.  Son intervention peut être sollicitée pour établir des constats sur diverses situations ou encore pour la perception des charges communes impayées, consolidant ainsi la bonne gestion et l'harmonie au sein des résidences. Les prérogatives de l'huissier de justice, ancrées dans le Code de procédure civile et la Loi sur les huissiers de…...

Your Rights


L’acte de constat d’huissier : une déclaration écrite à valeur ajoutée

29 juin 2021-  Les travaux du Congrès de Varsovie, de l'Union internationale des huissiers de justice et officiers judiciaires, ont révélé des découvertes fascinantes relatives à l'histoire du constat. Ces recherches ont mis en lumière l'existence d'ancêtres de cette pratique remontant au XIVe siècle, avec une mention spéciale du 13 février 1342, identifiée comme la date du premier constat officiel dans l'histoire des anciens parlements. Cette révélation marque le début d'une longue lignée de pratiques…...

Your Rights


Managing crisis situations in co-ownership

Conflicts in co-ownership often arise due to a lack of knowledge of the rules governing the building, but also due to a lack of communication or transparency, or because of a misunderstanding that has gone wrong. To ensure that co-ownership is synonymous with peace and peace of mind, it is best to adopt good habits from the beginning. The buyer of a condominium unit must therefore commit to accepting a very specific way of life,…...

Your Rights


Noise: it's hell!

You have just bought your new condo and for some time now, you have been hearing noise that prevents you from peacefully enjoying your unit, or even prevents you from sleeping completely. You question your neighbors and they face the same problem. But noise can stress, exasperate, tire, and even make you sick. What can be done to remedy this problem and regain tranquility? Here is the procedure to follow that we suggest in order…...

Your Rights
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