94 Articles
On October 24, 2024, Me Yves Joli-Coeur, Emeritus Lawyer and president of the Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec (RGCQ), along with Réjean Touchette, a member of the RGCQ’s board of directors, spoke before the Commission de l’aménagement du territoire (National Assembly) They presented the RGCQ's position on Bill 76, a law proposed by the Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet, aimed primarily at enhancing construction quality and public safety. In a brief, the RGCQ…...
We all thought Bill 401 had died on the agenda, but as a phoenix it is rising from its ashes. The Quebec Government has basically kept its main components and drafted a new version, namely Bill 16, which aims, inter alia, to provide divided co ownership with an improved framework by the means of amendments to several articles of the Civil Code of Quebec. In doing so, the Quebec government is consistent with its election…...
November 25, 2019 - The problems associated with the use of medical marijuana (in co-ownerships) remain unresolved, as individual and collective rights often clash on this issue. As Yves Joli-Coeur, lawyer emeritus and Secretary General of the RGCQ, reported to RDI (this morning), judgments in this matter are made on a "case-by-case" basis....
August 11, 2023 – We would like to remind users of the Condolegal.com site that this portal is also accessible from Facebook. They can click on hyperlinks that lead to plain legal information, including news posted on Condolegal.com and tabs entitled Purchase, Syndicate, Management, Work, Insurance and Your Rights....
16 septembre - Ange-Emma Gauthier a été sermonée par une juge de la Cour supérieure, le 9 septembre dernier, dans l'affaire Robert Delarosbil. La magistrate lui a reproché sa "mauvaise foi" et de l'avoir trompée. Copropriétaire et ex-administratrice du Verre-Bourg, Madame Gauthier s'est opposée devant cette même Cour, le 27 août dernier, à l'homologation d'une entente survenue entre son syndicat et Robert Delarosbil....
11 décembre - Les propriétaires résidentiels peinent à établir une preuve solide devant la Cour des petites créances, notamment lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des entrepreneurs en construction et en rénovation résidentielle, à qui ils réclament des indemnisations de diverses natures. C'est ce qui ressort d'une "vaste" étude menée, récemment, par l'Association des consommateurs pour la qualité dans la construction (ACQC)....
24 juillet 2017- "La copropriété dans tous ses états"- Tel est le thème d’un des colloques des Entretiens Jacques Cartier, qui font escale à Montréal en octobre prochain. Un panel d’expert, où figurent notamment Yves Joli-Coeur et Yves Papineau, deux avocats émérites et administrateurs du RGCQ, présentera, le 16 octobre, le besoin impérieux d’une réforme du droit de la copropriété au Québec et en France....
Le Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec (RGCQ) is in mourning following the death of François Taillefer on March 28, 2024, after a courageous battle with cancer. François left his mark on the RGCQ, the legal community and the general public through his dedication and expertise....
Montreal, February 20, 2025 – Adopted by the National Assembly in 2019 and partially in effect since 2020, Bill 16laid the foundation for a major reform of divided co-ownership in Quebec. However, some of its key provisions were still awaiting an implementing regulation to come fully into force. That wait is now coming to an end: the government is preparing to officially file the regulation, which will notably govern the co-ownership condition certificate as well as the obligation for syndicates to…...
Condominium ownership is based on a balance of rights and obligations, where each owner must maintain their unit and comply with the declaration of co-ownership. In the event of an incident, liability becomes crucial: who covers the deductible, and under what conditions can the Syndicate seek compensation? This issue arose in April 2019 when water damage caused by a defective bidet seat affected seven other units in a divided co-ownership building. Having to assume the…...