94 Articles
Condominium ownership is based on a balance of rights and obligations, where each owner must maintain their unit and comply with the declaration of co-ownership. In the event of an incident, liability becomes crucial: who covers the deductible, and under what conditions can the Syndicate seek compensation? This issue arose in April 2019 when water damage caused by a defective bidet seat affected seven other units in a divided co-ownership building. Having to assume the…...
Montreal, February 20, 2025 – Adopted by the National Assembly in 2019 and partially in effect since 2020, Bill 16laid the foundation for a major reform of divided co-ownership in Quebec. However, some of its key provisions were still awaiting an implementing regulation to come fully into force. That wait is now coming to an end: the government is preparing to officially file the regulation, which will notably govern the co-ownership condition certificate as well as the obligation for syndicates to…...
The Moroccan Center for Co-ownership Law (CMDC), in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, is organizing a major seminar on co-ownership this Wednesday, February 5, at 10:00 AM, at Mohammed V University of Rabat - Salle des Actes - (FSJES, Agdal). This event presents an exceptional opportunity to examine the challenges of co-ownership management in light of the applicable legislative and regulatory frameworks. It will also provide insights into best practices in the field, benefiting…...
On January 13, 2025, Me Yves Joli-Cœur, Emeritus lawyer and president of the Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec (RGCQ), was a guest on Frédéric Bisson’s show on 104.7 FM Outaouais, a station in the Cogeco group, to discuss the major consequences of Bill 16 on co-ownership management in Quebec. This interview shed light on critical issues related to maintenance and financing of co-ownership properties. It is available for replay on the station’s website for…...
In a context where co-ownership in Quebec is facing major challenges in terms of transparency and financing of maintenance work, Me Yves Joli-Cœur, distinguished lawyer and president of the Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec (RGCQ), was recently highlighted in an article in the newspaper La Presse written by journalist Marie-Ève Fournier. The article, entitled “Transparency should shake up condo prices,” highlights the importance of the reforms introduced by Bill 16 and their potential…...
Le mercredi 11 décembre prochain, de 19h à 20h, la webradio Condolegal vous propose une émission incontournable : « L’impact des réformes législatives sur la copropriété québécoise ». Cette émission explorera en profondeur le projet de règlement issu du Projet de loi 16, un texte législatif majeur qui devrait voir sa forme finale d’ici le premier trimestre de 2025. Ce projet, attendu avec beaucoup d’appréhension et d’espoir par les acteurs du milieu, s’apprête à bouleverser le cadre…...
On October 24, 2024, Me Yves Joli-Coeur, Emeritus Lawyer and president of the Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec (RGCQ), along with Réjean Touchette, a member of the RGCQ’s board of directors, spoke before the Commission de l’aménagement du territoire (National Assembly) They presented the RGCQ's position on Bill 76, a law proposed by the Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet, aimed primarily at enhancing construction quality and public safety. In a brief, the RGCQ…...
Mercredi 11 septembre 2024, le Gouvernement du Québec a publié, dans la Gazette officielle du Québec, un Projet de règlement important, qui mettra, lors de son adoption définitive, en vigueur des dispositions majeures des projets de loi 16 et 31. Ce règlement, qui modifie en profondeur le Code civil du Québec, imposera de nouvelles obligations aux syndicats de copropriétaires, en matière de transparence, de gestion financière et d'entretien des immeubles....
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer le lancement de la nouvelle saison des webradios Condolegal.com 2024-2025. Cette série d'émissions, qui débutera le mercredi 18 septembre 2024, se poursuivra jusqu'au mercredi 18 juin 2025. Ces rendez-vous tous les deux semaines offriront aux copropriétaires, aux membres des conseils d’administration des syndicats de copropriétaires, aux gestionnaires et à tous les acteurs du milieu de la copropriété, une occasion unique d'approfondir leurs connaissances sur divers sujets essentiels à la bonne gestion de leur immeuble....
In a recent case involving the Syndicat de la copropriété du 780 des Bosquets (hereafter referred to as the Syndicate) and one of its co-owners, the Honourable Judge Luc Huppé of the Court of Quebec shed light on a rather surprising course of action by the Syndicate....