13 Articles
Following water damage in our building, we consulted a plumber to find the cause. The analysis revealed a malfunction in the toilet of our neighbor's apartment, indicating that a replacement was imperative to prevent other problems. Despite the plumber's clear diagnosis and the obvious proof of malfunction during his intervention – with the toilet overflowing upon the addition of just eight squares of toilet paper and requiring emergency unclogging – the concerned owner categorically refuses…...
La facture qu’a reçue notre syndicat pour les travaux de changement des fenêtres se divise t-elle par le nombre d’unités ou selon la quote-part des copropriétaires? Il y a trois unités dans l’immeuble qui disposent de plus de fenêtres, mais ces copropriétaires ne sont pas d’accord pour payer plus que les autres. Que devons-nous faire?...
A co-owner carried out work on their terrace (a common portion for restricted use) without obtaining prior authorization from the board of directors. Since this work, leaks have been detected at the roof level, causing damage and posing risks to the building's integrity. This situation illustrates the limitations of co-owners' rights in restricted common portions. The board of directors asks the following questions: How can the syndicate stop this work? Who must undertake and pay…...