Webradio from November 29, 2023: How to deal with burglaries and other criminal acts in co-ownership?


On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, it was about the management of measures aimed at countering theft and other offenses within a co-ownership. You should know that the common areas of condominiums are not always properly secured against burglars, even when they are amateurs. However, technical solutions and relatively simple behaviors make it possible to slow down - or even deter - criminals. The point of securing the building is to avoid theft, but also attacks and damage.

Apartments are not spared, because of a fairly low level of security against intrusions. In order to counter this scourge, we still need to know the modus operandi of thieves, especially when they act in an organized gang.

Various questions arise in this area: What are the solutions to secure the building against burglaries? How can we ensure the identity of the person who rings the doorbell of the building? What are the instructions in terms of managing the digital code giving access to the building? How to counter the theft of Amazon-type packages or bicycles? What are the union's obligations and responsibilities in this matter? Does co-ownership insurance cover damage caused by burglars and the consequences of theft?

Condolegal is aware that the security of the building is an important concern for many co-owners. To discuss this delicate subject, we were in the company of Mr. Yves Joli-Coeur, emeritus lawyer and partner of the Dunton Rainville law firm, Mr. Charles-Antoine Carra, damage insurance broker at Gaudreau assurances, Ms. Sandrine Brousseau, advisor in security within the Vigilance Group and finally from Mr. Martin Brousseau, president of the Vigilance Group.

This web radio was hosted, as usual, by Ms. Valéry Couture, co-ownership manager of Condo Stratégis.


See the Webradio of November 29, 2023:


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