Webradio from January 17, 2024: How to make assemblies pleasant?

The meeting of co-owners is the gathering of all the co-owners, to make the decisions necessary for the sustainability of the building and the proper functioning of the co-ownership. It constitutes one of the two decision-making bodies of the union. This must be held at least once a year, but it can take place as often as necessary. You should know that life in co-ownership requires that co-owners or their representatives meet, from time to time, to discuss and vote on important decisions.

La première webradio de l'année a eu le 17 janvier 2024 à 19h00 et était consacrée aux façons d'améliorer le déroulement des assemblées des copropriétaires afin de les rendre plus agréables. Ces réunions sont parfois redoutées par les administrateurs en raison du climat tendu qui peut s'y installer.

Pour cette diffusion, Condolegal est heureux d'avoir pu compter sur la participation de Me Yves Papineau, avocat émérite. Dans sa carrière, Me Papineau a assuré la présidence de multiples assemblées et nous a partagé son expérience sur la façon d'en faciliter la tenue. Madame Valéry Couture a assuré l'animation de cette webradio et a également partagé son point de vue à titre de gestionnaire et cofondatrice de Condo Stratégis.

Il était notamment question des avantages/inconvénients des assemblées virtuelles et en présentiel, du rôle des officiers d'assemblée, des façons d'enrayer le désintéressement des copropriétaires, du respect de l'ordre du jour et de la gestion des questions et interventions des copropriétaires. 


The first webradio of the year took place on January 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. and was devoted to ways to improve the conduct of co-owners' meetings in order to make them more pleasant. These meetings are sometimes feared by administrators because of the tense climate that can develop there.

For this broadcast, Condolegal is pleased to have been able to count on the participation of Me Yves Papineau, distinguished lawyer. In his career, Me Papineau has chaired multiple assemblies and shared with us his experience on how to facilitate their holding. Ms. Valéry Couture hosted this webradio and also shared her point of view as manager and co-founder of Condo Stratégis.

It was notably a question of the advantages/disadvantages of virtual and face-to-face meetings, the role of assembly officers, ways of stopping the disinterest of co-owners, respecting the agenda and managing questions and interventions from co-owners.


See the webradio of January 17 :


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