

21 Articles

Suspension and reduction of voting rights

The right to vote is recognized as an essential element of any modern society, and as such, co-owners cannot be deprived of it except as provided in the law. In addition, each co-owner has, in principle, at the meeting a number of votes proportional to the relative value of his fraction. However, in certain circumstances, it is provided that the co-owner may have his right to vote suspended or reduced, by the sole effect of…...


How to vote?

  Co-owners must make decisions that are essential for the life of their co-ownership, which cannot be adopted by the board of directors without their consent. To this end, the meeting of co-owners brings together the co-owners or their representatives, at least once a year. In this context, the taking of these decisions is subject to a strict framework. Meetings of co-owners make decisions by taking a vote. Any proposal submitted for adoption must be…...


Documents to annex to the notice of meeting

With respect to the Annual General Meeting, the article 1087 of the Civil Code of Québec provides that certain documents must be attached to the notice of meeting.These documents are to be sent to co-owners so that they can ascertain the exact nature of the questions and issues to be discussed. Some of these documents, described in the agenda, are a prerequisite to the validity of the decision (such as, a draft amendment to the…...


Procedure call

Co-owners must be called at least once a year to a meeting known as an annual meeting. This assembly, like all other types of assembly, must bring together all the co-owners. With the notice calling the meeting, the board of directors notifies all the co-owners of the list of points to be studied and decisions to be voted on at the meeting of co-owners. This document is the agenda of the assembly. The summons has to…...


Abiding to the declaration of co-ownership

The declaration of co-ownership defines the terms and conditions of living together. It applies to the co-owners and, in principle, to the occupants and tenants s of the building. It is up to the Board of Directors, as soon as it becomes aware of it, to ensure that its content is respected, and, if necessary, to give formal notice to the offending co-owner to cease any violation of the declaration of co-ownership. Failure to do so…...


Eligibility and Abilities

The members of the board of directors play a key role in the co-ownership: they must be involved in the life of the building to ensure the proper management of the co-ownership and the well-being of the co-owners. Usually appointed by the Meeting of the co-owners, the director is a member of the Board of Directors of the syndicate. Its duties are to make decisions on the directions and priorities of the Syndicate. Such Decisions are…...


Ethics and code of conduct

The director of a co-ownership is called to play a key role in the sound management of the co-ownership and preservation of co-owners' assets. To strengthen and maintain the relationship of trust with them, every director must be fair, honest and loyal toward the Syndicate and the co-owners. The director must also respect ethical standards and the Code of conduct stipulated by the Civil Code of Quebec and the declaration of co-ownership. In case of doubt, directors must act according to the…...


Mandate’s term and termination

Section 339 of the Civil Code of Quebec establishes as a basic rule that the term of office of a director is one year. The By-law of the immovable usually describe all the terms and conditions specific to the office of director, including the duration of his mandate. Thus, a syndicate of co-owners may, at the end of the By-law of the immovable, extend the duration of the building to more than one year (for example to two or…...



Most co-ownership directors assume this activity free of charge, effectively excluding the collection of any amount of money. But, contrary to popular belief, they can be paid. Usually, the remuneration granted to a director is mainly symbolic and is not similar to a remuneration similar to that paid to a condominium manager. Their remuneration takes various forms: salary, honorariums and attendance fees, just to name a few. This financial compensation, a part of the administrative…...


Mission and powers

It is to the board of directors as a whole, as a decision-making body, that the Civil code of Quebec confers the power to administer the affairs of the syndicate. Individual directors do not have any powers unless they have been specially authorized to do so. All decisions concerning the syndicate, the co-ownership or the immovable which is not under the jurisdiction of the meeting of co-owners, are the competence of the board of directors. Its main role is…...
