

21 Articles

The content of the agenda

The first step in preparing a meeting of co-owners is to establish a complete agenda. This document summarizes all the questions that will have to be voted on during this general meeting. It thus lists the resolutions that will be debated and voted. Although there is no formalism surrounding its fine drafting, the agenda must be sufficiently precise. He must thus mention all the questions and points that will be submitted at the meeting. Sent…...


Updating declaration of co-ownership

The interpretation of a declaration of co-ownership during a general meeting of the co-owners is sometimes problematic. If, moreover, it has been published before the coming into force of the Civil Code of Québec, in 1994, things can get dicey. In order to avoid potential conflicts between co-owners, caused by  an outdated declaration of co-ownership, it is essential to have it rewritten, if it has been published before January 1, 1994. A professional with experience…...


Contents of the declaration of co-ownership

.The declaration of co-ownership is a contractual document drawn up by the person who subjects an immovable to the regime of divided co-ownership. Its publication in the Quebec Land Register is a necessity for the existence of a syndicate of co-owners. It includes all the rules ensuring the efficient organization of a co-ownership. Their knowledge by the members of the board of directors and by each of the co-owners is essential to the proper functioning…...


Conduct of a meeting of the board of directors

The board of directors occupies an important function in co-ownership governance. It holds meetings as often as the interest of the collectivity of co-owners require and addresses any matter that concerns the syndicate’s good management. These meetings are moderated by a president who ensures their efficient conduct. Directors can debate and reflect upon the orientations to give to their co-ownership. The more carefully and methodically the meetings are prepared, the more motivated and interested the…...


The "statutory" liability of a director

The duties and obligations of directors are at the heart of the good governance of a co-ownership. As part of their duties, directors are required to ensure that the syndicate of co-owners complies with the laws. This is why, in addition to the duties of diligence and loyalty of directors set out in the Civil Code of Québec, specific obligations, described as "statutory", are imposed on them. Some statutes provide for a directors' liability regime…...


Types of meetings

Whatever the type of building they have chosen, all co-owners, without exception, are called upon to participate in meetings of co-owners. Thus they can vote on the questions on the agenda, and take various decisions necessary for the sound operation of the co-ownership. The co-owners are called upon to meet periodically for questions dealing with current administration, maintenance and operation of the syndicate, and sometimes exceptionally for specific questions required by the circumstances. This factsheet is an overview…...


Duties and obligations

The law does not establish an exhaustive list of the duties and obligations that the members of the board of directors must assume. It is the declaration of co-ownership (constituting act of the co-ownership) and certain articles of the Civil Code of Québec which, for the most part, determine them. Furthermore, the administrators are considered to be agents of the syndicate. Directors must therefore act within the limits of the powers conferred on them by…...


Civil liability of a director

The juridical personality of the syndicate is distinct from the one of the co-owners and directors. His acts are binding only on himself, besides for the exceptions provided by law. The faults committed by the syndicate have consequences only on its own civil liability and not on the directors. Under these conditions, they are held harmless by the syndicate and assume no responsibility for any costs, expenses, charges or losses they have incurred for the administration of…...


Powers of the Meeting of the co-owners

The Meeting of the co-owners is one of the two decision-making bodies that governs a co-ownership.The major decisions that can potentially concern each member of the co-ownership are in principle taken in assembly. Whether for the work of alteration or improvement of the common portions, the election of the members of the board of directors or the meeting officers, it is up to the co-owners to decide. To ensure the proper functioning of the co-ownership, this body must act…...


Composition of the board of directors

The Board of Directors (the Board) is made up of members called directors. Their appointment is subject to certain formalities. In this regard, article 1084 of the Civil Code of Québec provides that the composition of the Board of the syndicate, the method of appointment, replacement or remuneration of the directors, as well as the other terms and conditions of their office, are fixed by the by-laws of an immovable. Each director acts as a mandatary of the syndicate of…...
