

21 Articles

Updating declaration of co-ownership

The interpretation of a declaration of co-ownership during a general meeting of the co-owners is sometimes problematic. If, moreover, it has been published before the coming into force of the Civil Code of Québec, in 1994, things can get dicey. In order to avoid potential conflicts between co-owners, caused by  an outdated declaration of co-ownership, it is essential to have it rewritten, if it has been published before January 1, 1994. A professional with experience…...


Mission and powers

It is to the board of directors as a whole, as a decision-making body, that the Civil code of Quebec confers the power to administer the affairs of the syndicate. Individual directors do not have any powers unless they have been specially authorized to do so. All decisions concerning the syndicate, the co-ownership or the immovable which is not under the jurisdiction of the meeting of co-owners, are the competence of the board of directors. Its main role is…...


Method of Appointment

The provisions related to the appointment and replacement of the directors are provided for in the By-laws of the immovable (2nd part of the declaration of co-ownership). In their absence, they are also found in the Civil Code of Quebec (C.C.Q.). The law thus leaves it to the co-owners to establish themselves, in their declaration of co-ownership, the rules that best suit them. However, the appointment of directors generally falls within the competence of the…...


Exercise and distribution of voting rights

The first sentence of article 1090 of the Quebec civil Code states that "Each co-owner is entitled to a number of votes at a general meeting proportionate to the relative value of his fraction." The number of votes is related to the share of property rights each co-owner holds in the building. Therefore, the co-owner of a private portion whose relative value is higher will have more voting rights. In return, he or she will have to contribute to a larger portion…...


Enhanced majority

The Civil Code of Quebec requires an enhanced majority for certain decisions that have a greater impact on the community of co-owners or on their individual rights. These decisions can significantly influence the daily lives of co-owners and the value of their properties.  In addition, this enhanced majority is intended to temper the influence of certain co-owners who, because of the large number of voting rights they hold over their fraction, could otherwise dominate the decisions taken…...


Double majority

The Civil Code of Quebec, in articles 1098 and 1108, establishes a "double majority" for certain significant decisions of the co-ownership assembly, requiring a consensus in both the number of co-owners and voting rights. Article 1098 of the Civil Code of Quebec deals with major decisions such as changing of use of the immovable, while article 1108 of the Civil Code of Quebec allows for the termination of co-ownership. These provisions ensure thoughtful decision-making, protect the individual rights…...


Composition of the board of directors

The Board of Directors (the Board) is made up of members called directors. Their appointment is subject to certain formalities. In this regard, article 1084 of the Civil Code of Québec provides that the composition of the Board of the syndicate, the method of appointment, replacement or remuneration of the directors, as well as the other terms and conditions of their office, are fixed by the by-laws of an immovable. Each director acts as a mandatary of the syndicate of…...


Attendance sheet (Attendance Records)

  An attendance sheet must be kept for each co-owner's meeting. However, the Civil Code of Québec does not specify any specific rules, such as the person responsible for its establishment, or the time when this formality must be completed. The declaration of co-ownership generally stipulates that it must be prepared by the directors or the secretary of the syndicate before the meeting is held. This attendance sheet is the physical proof of the presence…...


Amendment of the declaration of co-ownership

The declaration of co-ownership is a contract that binds all co-owners. It is generally published by the developer after the construction of the building. As for existing buildings to be converted into divided co-ownership, the owner or owners will have it published once the conversion process is completed. That said, this document, often yellowed with time, is sometimes obsolete in its drafting and unsuited to contemporary times. Especially if some of its clauses are contrary to…...


Absolute majority

In co-ownership management, co-owners are tasked with making decisions on various aspects of their building that go beyond the powers granted to the board of directors. Typically, decisions within the syndicate's remit are made by a majority of the votes of co-owners present or represented at the meeting at the time of voting (more than 50%). This majority, legally referred to as an absolute majority, is required for routine decisions made by the assembly, unless the…...
