

21 Articles


Statutory liability of the directors

The duties and obligations of directors are at the heart of the good governance of a co-ownership. As part of their duties, directors are required to ensure that the syndicate of co-owners complies with the laws. This is why, in addition to the duties of diligence and loyalty of directors set out in the Civil Code of Québec, specific obligations, described as "statutory", are imposed on them. Some statutes provide for a directors' liability regime…...


Civil liability of the directors

The juridical personality of the syndicate is distinct from the one of the co-owners and directors. His acts are binding only on himself, besides for the exceptions provided by law. The faults committed by the syndicate have consequences only on its own civil liability and not on the directors. Under these conditions, they are held harmless by the syndicate and assume no responsibility for any costs, expenses, charges or losses they have incurred for the administration of…...


Remuneration of the directors

Most co-ownership directors assume this activity free of charge, effectively excluding the collection of any amount of money. But, contrary to popular belief, they can be paid. Usually, the remuneration granted to a director is mainly symbolic and is not similar to a remuneration similar to that paid to a condominium manager. Their remuneration takes various forms: salary, honorariums and attendance fees, just to name a few. This financial compensation, a part of the administrative…...


Term and end of the mandate of the director

Section 339 of the Civil Code of Quebec establishes as a basic rule that the term of office of a director is one year. The By-law of the immovable usually describe all the terms and conditions specific to the office of director, including the duration of his mandate. Thus, a syndicate of co-owners may, at the end of the By-law of the immovable, extend the duration of the building to more than one year (for example to two or…...


Method of appointment of the directors

The provisions related to the appointment and replacement of the directors are provided for in the By-laws of the immovable (2nd part of the declaration of co-ownership). In their absence, they are also found in the Civil Code of Quebec (C.C.Q.). The law thus leaves it to the co-owners to establish themselves, in their declaration of co-ownership, the rules that best suit them. However, the appointment of directors generally falls within the competence of the…...


Ethics and code of conduct

The director of a co-ownership is called to play a key role in the sound management of the co-ownership and preservation of co-owners' assets. To strengthen and maintain the relationship of trust with them, every director must be fair, honest and loyal toward the Syndicate and the co-owners. The director must also respect ethical standards and the Code of conduct stipulated by the Civil Code of Quebec and the declaration of co-ownership. In case of doubt, directors must act according to the…...


Eligibility and competencies

The members of the board of directors play a key role in the co-ownership: they must be involved in the life of the building to ensure the proper management of the co-ownership and the well-being of the co-owners. Usually appointed by the Meeting of the co-owners, the director is a member of the Board of Directors of the syndicate. Its duties are to make decisions on the directions and priorities of the Syndicate. Such Decisions are…...


Updating declaration of co-ownership

The interpretation of a declaration of co-ownership during a general meeting of the co-owners is sometimes problematic. If, moreover, it has been published before the coming into force of the Civil Code of Québec, in 1994, things can get dicey. In order to avoid potential conflicts between co-owners, caused by  an outdated declaration of co-ownership, it is essential to have it rewritten, if it has been published before January 1, 1994. A professional with experience…...


Contents of the declaration of co-ownership

.The declaration of co-ownership is a contractual document drawn up by the person who subjects an immovable to the regime of divided co-ownership. Its publication in the Quebec Land Register is a necessity for the existence of a syndicate of co-owners. It includes all the rules ensuring the efficient organization of a co-ownership. Their knowledge by the members of the board of directors and by each of the co-owners is essential to the proper functioning…...


Amendment of the declaration of co-ownership

The declaration of co-ownership is a document that encompasses all the rules specific to a syndicate of co-owners, to ensure the proper functioning of a building and cohesion among its occupants. It also specifies the conditions of use and enjoyment of the common and private portions. Life in co-ownership is not static. It evolves and is subject to changes, which will sooner or later be demanded by the co-owners. This evolution may sometimes lead to amendments…...
