
Useful Documentation

20 Articles


Bulletin spécial relatif à l’article 1074.2

L’article 1074.2 du Code civil du Québec qui fut modifié deux fois en l’espace de deux années fait toujours l’actualité. À preuve, lors de la tenue de la Commission parlementaire traitant de l’étude détaillée du projet de loi n° 5, la députée de Vaudreuil Marie-Claude Nichols, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière d’habitation échangea  avec le Ministre des finances Éric Girard sur la nécessité d'amender l'article 1074.2 du Code civil du Québec. Au cœur du problème se trouvent certains assureurs qui, lorsqu’un sinistre provient d’une unité et endommage des parties communes et privatives, refusent de payer la franchise d’assurance du syndicat. ...

Useful Documentation


Bulletins spéciaux d’information - COVID-19

Première édition - Bulletin spécial d'information - COVID-19 La copropriété divise est dans tous ses états, en raison du coronavirus (COVID-19) qui sévit partout dans le monde. Ce premier bulletin spécial donne plusieurs réponses aux nombreuses questions posées par nos internautes à ce sujet. Cliquez sur la bannière ci-dessous pour accéder à la version complète de la première édition du Bulletin spécial Tout savoir sur le coronavirus (COVID-19) en copropriété.      ...

Useful Documentation


Request for transmission of building plans and specifications (Template)

Template letter from the Board of directors of Syndicate of co-ownership  addressed to an architect or engineer to obtain the building’s plans and specifications Syndicate of co-owners [Name of the Syndicate] [Full Address] Date: [Insert Date] To the attention of: [Name of Professional] [Name of Firm or Office] [Full Address] Subject: Request for transmission of plans and specifications for the building located at [Building address]...

Useful Documentation


Assessment notice template for a Syndicate of co-owners (template)

Syndicate of co-owners [Full Name] Address of the syndicate: [Full Address] Assessment notice (Common Charges) Date: [Date of Notice] Dear [Co-Owner's Name], Following the annual general meeting of co-owners held on [Date of Meeting], and in accordance with the budget adopted by the board of directors, we inform you of the amount of your annual contribution to the common expenses for the year [Year]. This notice provides a detailed breakdown of the amounts related to each unit you own and includes essential information regarding your contribution....

Useful Documentation


Letter requesting the inclusion of a question the agenda (template)

TEMPLATE LETTER REQUESTING THE INCLUSION OF A QUESTION THE AGENDA     The ___________ At syndicate _____________ (exact name of the Syndicate of co-owners), I, the undersigned, __________________________________ (first name, last name and address of the co-owner) owner of the fraction of co-ownership bearing the civic number _________________, appartement ______, at_______________________  (city and postal code), wish you to include on the agenda of the next meeting of co-owners the following question: [Describe]  Example: Draft amendment to the declaration of co-ownership concerning [describe], this draft resolution, the text of which is attached to this application, must be communicated to the co-owners before the…...

Useful Documentation


Notice of meeting (template)

NOTICE OF A CO-OWNERSHIP MEETING (Name of the Syndicate)   On _____________________ 202__ To all co-owners, you are hereby summoned to the (indicate the type of meeting) meeting of co-owners which will be held at the place and date mentioned below. Location: (Indicate the location) Date: (date) Time: (time) To avoid delaying the start of the meeting, we would appreciate it if you could arrive from (time)....

Useful Documentation


Notification of legal proceedings (template)

[Name of the Syndicate of co-owners] [Full address] To the attention of all co-owners Notice of legal proceedings [Date] Subject: Notification of legal proceedings filed against the Syndicate of co-owners Dear Co-owners, In accordance with Article 477 of the Code of Civil Procedure, we hereby inform you that legal proceedings have been initiated against the Co-ownership Syndicate of [name of the co-ownership]....

Useful Documentation


Privacy statement for board members (template)

                                                                                                                                                                                           PRIVACY STATEMENT          …...

Useful Documentation


Request for authorization for flooring installation (Template)

Template letter to be addressed to the board of directors of a Syndicate of co-ownership [Co-owner's information] [First and last name] [Complete unit address] [Date] To the attention of the Board of directors Syndicate of Co-owners _______________ (Syndicate Name), [Complete Building Address] Subject: Request for authorization to install new flooring...

Useful Documentation


Request for the convocation of a special meeting by one or more co-owners (template)

                               REQUEST FOR THE CONVENING OF A SPECIAL MEETING   On _____________________ 202__   To the Syndicate of co-owners _______________ (name of the Syndicate),   We, the undersigned, co-owners representing at least 10% of the total votes of all co-owners, hereby request the convening of a special meeting of co-owners in accordance with Article 352 of the Civil Code of Quebec....

Useful Documentation
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