Subject: Protection of co-owners’ personal information
Identification of the Director
Commitment to confidentiality and destruction of documents
As a director of the syndicate of co-owners, I certify that I have had access to confidential documents and information in the exercise of my duties.
I acknowledge that this information belongs to the syndicate and that I am required to respect confidentiality even after the end of my mandate.
Thus, at the end of my duties, I undertake to:
1. Delete all emails and documents containing confidential information from the syndicate from my personal email and any personal electronic media.
2. Not keep, disclose or use for personal or third-party purposes the confidential information obtained during my mandate.
3. Return to the syndicate all relevant documentation in my possession.
I understand that failure to comply with these commitments could result in legal action and harm the protection of the personal information of the co-owners.
Done at: ____________________ on: //____
Signature of the director: ______________________________
Name of the director: ______________________________