Key and access code handover form

Syndicate of co-owners of [Co-ownership name]

Section 1: Co-owner Information

  • Co-owner’s name:
  • Unit address:
  • Phone number:
  • Email address:

Section 2: Key and access code information

  • Type of key provided: ( ) Main door ( ) Secondary door ( ) Other: ______
  • Access code to alarm system (if applicable): ____________________
  • Date of handover: ____________________

Section 3: Syndicate’s commitment

The Syndicate of co-owners of [Co-ownership name] acknowledges receipt of the key(s) and/or access code mentioned above.

The syndicate commits to:

  1. Keeping this information securely and confidentially.
  2. Using it only in cases of emergency (fire, water damage, pipe failure, electrical outage, window breakage, or other situations endangering the safety of occupants or the integrity of the building).
  3. Informing the co-owner as soon as possible if an intervention required the use of the keys or access code.

Section 4: Acknowledgment and signatures

I, the undersigned, co-owner of the unit mentioned above, confirm that I have handed over a duplicate set of my keys and/or my access code to the syndicate under the conditions outlined in this form.

Co-owner’s signature: ___________________________
Date: ____________________

Syndicate representative’s signature: ___________________________
Name and position: ___________________________
Date: ____________________

Keywords: Key