Template letter from the Board of directors of Syndicate of co-ownership addressed to an architect or engineer to obtain the building’s plans and specifications
Syndicate of co-owners
[Name of the Syndicate]
[Full Address]
Date: [Insert Date]
To the attention of:
[Name of Professional]
[Name of Firm or Office]
[Full Address]
Subject: Request for transmission of plans and specifications for the building located at [Building address]
[Dear Sir/Madam],
As part of the management of the building located at [Building Address], the Board of sirectors of the Syndicate of co-owners [Name of Syndicate] requests the transmission of the plans and specifications for the building. These documents, prepared under your responsibility as the designer, are essential for ensuring optimal management and proper maintenance of the co-ownership property.
Pursuant to article 1083.1 of the Civil Code of Quebec, the Syndicate of co-owners is entitled to request these documents from the responsible architects or engineers, subject to reasonable fees. These plans and specifications are crucial for:
We kindly ask you to inform us of the transmission procedures as well as any associated fees.
We remain available for any further clarification and look forward to your response.
On behalf of the Board of directors of the Syndicate of co-owners
[Name and title of representative]
[Complete contact information]
Template Resolution of the Board of Directors
Co-Ownership Syndicate [Name of Syndicate]
Meeting Held on [Insert Date]
Subject: Authorization to request transmission of plans and specifications for the building located at [Building address]
WHEREAS Article 1083.1 of the Civil Code of Quebec allows co-ownership syndicates to obtain, subject to reasonable fees, the plans and specifications of the building from the responsible professionals;
WHEREAS these documents are essential for ensuring proper management and maintenance of the building and for completing the co-ownership registry as required by article 1070 of the Civil Code of Quebec;
Adopted unanimously by the directors present at the meeting.
Signatures of the Directors: