Request for the convocation of a special meeting by one or more co-owners (template)
On _____________________ 202__
To the Syndicate of co-owners _______________ (name of the Syndicate),
We, the undersigned, co-owners representing at least 10% of the total votes of all co-owners, hereby request the convening of a special meeting of co-owners in accordance with Article 352 of the Civil Code of Quebec.
[Specific decision point 1]
[Specific decision point 2]
[Specific decision point 3]
We remind you that if this request remains unanswered by you within 21 days of its receipt, we reserve the right to convene the meeting ourselves and to claim the associated costs, unless decided otherwise by the assembly.
(first name, last name, and address of the co-owner(s) of the property unit with the civic number ___________________, apartment number ______, in (name of the city),)
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