
Useful Documentation

14 Articles


Quiz: test your knowledge!

Do you think you know co-ownership well? Test your knowledge with one of these quizzes....

Useful Documentation


Consent form for the collection and use of personal information

Condominium Syndicate: Syndicate Name: ____________________________ Building Address: ____________________________ SECTION I: PURPOSE OF THE FORM In accordance with the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information, this form seeks your consent for the collection, use, and storage of your personal information by the condominium syndicate. This information will be used exclusively for the management of the co-ownership, including contacting a designated person in case of emergency or for communication with co-owners....

Useful Documentation


Assessment notice template for a Syndicate of co-owners

Syndicate of co-owners [Full Name] Address of the syndicate: [Full Address] Assessment notice (Common Charges) Date: [Date of Notice] Dear [Co-Owner's Name], Following the annual meeting of co-owners held on [Date of Meeting], and subsequent to the adoption of the proposed budget by the board of directors, we hereby inform you of your assessment for common charges for the year [Year]. This notice details the amounts of general and specific charges, as well as essential information regarding your contribution....

Useful Documentation


Notice of work requiring access to a private portion (template)

[Name of the co-ownership syndicate] [Address of the Syndicate] [City, Province, Postal Code] [Phone Number] [Email] [Date] To: [Name of the Co-owner] [Address of the Co-owner] [City, Province, Postal Code] Subject: Notice of work requiring access to your private portion...

Useful Documentation


Reminder letter for reporting infractions (template)

[Name of the Syndicate of co-ownership] [Address of the Syndicate] [City, Date] To the attention of [Name of the faulty co-owner], [Address of the co-owner] Subject: Reminder of your obligations as a co-owner...

Useful Documentation


Request for the convocation of a special meeting (template)

                               REQUEST FOR THE CONVENING OF A SPECIAL MEETING   On _____________________ 202__   To the Syndicate of co-owners _______________ (name of the Syndicate),   We, the undersigned, co-owners representing at least 10% of the total votes of all co-owners, hereby request the convening of a special meeting of co-owners in accordance with Article 352 of the Civil Code of Quebec....

Useful Documentation


Notice of meeting (template)

NOTICE OF A CO-OWNERSHIP MEETING (Name of the Syndicate)   On _____________________ 202__ To all co-owners, you are hereby summoned to the (indicate the type of meeting) meeting of co-owners which will be held at the place and date mentioned below. Location: (Indicate the location) Date: (date) Time: (time) To avoid delaying the start of the meeting, we would appreciate it if you could arrive from (time)....

Useful Documentation


Agenda of an annual meeting (template)

                             AGENDA OF AN ANNUAL MEETING                                                                                      (Name of the syndicate)   Quorum and calling the Meeting to order; Election of the meeting officers  Reading of the agenda; Board’s report; Presentation for comment of the minutes of the __ Annual Meeting (this item is not mandatory, as the…...

Useful Documentation


Letter requesting the inclusion of a question the agenda (template)

TEMPLATE LETTER REQUESTING THE INCLUSION OF A QUESTION THE AGENDA     The ___________ At syndicate _____________ (exact name of the Syndicate of co-owners), I, the undersigned, __________________________________ (first name, last name and address of the co-owner) owner of the fraction of co-ownership bearing the civic number _________________, appartement ______, at_______________________  (city and postal code), wish you to include on the agenda of the next meeting of co-owners the following question: [Describe]  Example: Draft amendment to the declaration of co-ownership concerning [describe], this draft resolution, the text of which is attached to this application, must be communicated to the co-owners before the…...

Useful Documentation


Proxy (power of attorney) (template)

PROXY   The _____________________ 202__     To the Syndicate of Co-Owners _______________ (name of the Syndicate),   I, we, the undersigned, ......... (first name, surname and address of the principal), owner(s) of the fraction of co-ownership bearing civic number ___________________, apartment number ______, to (name of city), hereby mandates Mr. ......... (surname, first name and address of the agent), my (our) agent, for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of co-owners to be held on ____________________....

Useful Documentation
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