Date published: 09/08/2022

Is the government doing enough for Quebec co-owners?

May 23, 2018 – An omnibus reform bill being in preparation, invites the general public and its regulars Internet users to participate to a survey, in answering a simple question: Do you consider that the Quebec government is doing enough to protect co-owners rights? All you have to do is answer: yes or no.

So far, the vast majority of participants have answered “no”. And rightfully so, as since the Civil Code of Quebec reform, in 1994, co-ownership law has hardly changed save for the adoption in 2002 of article 1069 of the Civil Code of Quebec which stipulates, that the purchaser of a condo in a divided co-ownership must pay, at the time of his purchase, the vendor’s outstanding common expenses (condo fees). This was not the case until then.

The RGCQ has been recognized as the party responsible for this change. Other themes promoted by this non-profit organization advocate improved protection for co-owners including the professionalization of condo managers which has been requested for the last several years.

While waiting for co-ownership legislative reform, several Quebec co-owners are left high and dry. Moreover, many are becoming frustrated with a reform promised for the longest time. This being said, the Minister responsible for Consumer Protection and Housing, Lise Thériault, promises that her omnibus bill will be tabled this spring.

To answer the survey, just click on this link.

By François G. Cellier for

Montreal, May 23, 2018