Date published: 09/08/2022

From down and out to hero

January 18, 2016 - After an exhausting battle against its syndicate of co-owners (le Verre -Bourg in Ste-Foy), Robert Delarosbil has been elected President the Board this Monday.

The man suffers from severe hearing loss (Ménière's disease). To overcome his handicap, he can count on the support of a service dog. But in 2011, its Board wished to expel the animal from the premises, arguing that the presence of animals was prohibited in the building.

This conflict was both unproductive and very costly. It all ended with a settlement in favor of the unfortunate owner. At a recent meeting with a journalist from the daily Le Soleil, he stated that he wanted to demonstrate that despite his misfortune, there are constructive developments in co-ownerships. He also says "Things are going well and the owners are happy with my work,”.

His accession to the presidency of the Board began with an invitation to join the Board, to administer the 166 apartments building. The invitation came from the former PQ minister Rosaire Bertrand, then president of the transitional Board created at the outcome of the litigation.

Robert Delarosbil accepted the offer, conditionally upon the Board accepting to” shift gears”. It appears that major work had to be carried out in the common areas of the building. Having previously worked at Laval University as an electrician, he was able to put his expertise to contribution.

It was necessary to upgrade the building envelope and indoor parking, and  to bring up  fire protection   to the new  standards. This work cost one million dollars. In short, Robert Delarosbil was an orchestra conductor for this work.

The man thus reconciled with Directors who once made his life difficult. "I did not want to be president, insists Robert Delarosbil, but they decided to trust me.”In doing so, his syndicate   discovered unsuspected qualities in him. This illustrates that past mistakes can lead to happy consequences.

Montreal, January 18, 2016

Source: Le Soleil