27 Articles
Devenir propriétaire est souvent une étape charnière dans la vie d’un ménage. Bien des choses doivent être prises en compte, et notamment lorsqu’il s’agit d’une copropriété neuve. Nous vous présentons dans ce texte cinq choses à savoir avant d’acquérir ce type de propriété....
Le Répertoire des entreprises accréditées chez GCR contient une foule d’informations afin d’aider les consommateurs à choisir leur entrepreneur et leur projet de construction d’une habitation neuve. Parmi les renseignements disponibles, il y a l’état de l’accréditation de l’entreprise. Mais quand celui-ci indique que l’accréditation est « inactive », qu’est-ce que ça implique? Nous allons tout vous expliquer dans ce texte....
December 15th 2022 - When you wish to purchase a condominium unit, it is very important to obtain information not only on the private portion you would like to purchase, but also on the common portions, such as the foundation and the roof....
In the case of a real estate transaction in a divided co-ownership, the certificate of location of the private portion is not always sufficient. A certified copy of the certificate of location of the entire building may also be requested. It is this certificate of location that will inform the buyer of the compliance of the overall property with respect to laws and regulations, encroachments, servitudes, as well as possible restrictions regarding the addition of…...
4 octobre 2023- Existe-t-il un écart de valeur entre une copropriété divise et indivise ? Dans le cadre d’un mandat qui nous a été confié, nous avons procédé à une étude visant à déterminer s’il existe un écart potentiel, entre une valeur immobilière détenue en copropriété divise et l’autre en indivise, en regard à sa valeur marchande. Il s’agit ici d’un immeuble à vocation résidentiel de type logement....
L’acquisition d’une propriété constitue l’achat le plus important que nous aurons à effectuer au cours de notre vie. Au fil du temps, le marché immobilier s’est adapté aux modes de vie, aux désirs et aux aspirations des Québécois et Québécoises. En particulier, la création de la copropriété divise, en 1969, a grandement contribué à stimuler l’accès à la propriété. Au cours des cinquante dernières années, ce mode d’habitation s’est développé exponentiellement et il a su…...
Divided co-ownership offers numerous financial and practical advantages that make these properties an attractive option for many buyers, from their lower purchase price in comparison to a single-family home to their well-defined management framework. Are you one of these potential buyers? Would you like to learn more about the process of buying a co-ownership property? Here is some information you may find useful!...
The decision to sell your divided co-ownership property is an important one, and being well prepared can make all the difference in the selling process. As a seller, it is essential to understand the steps that lead to a successful transaction. In this article, we will explore the key steps to go through when preparing to sell your co-ownership property, which will put you in the best position for a smooth transaction and peace of…...
January 27, 2023 – In the summer of 2022, the Government of Quebec not only banned dual representation but since then also requires a broker who accompanies a buyer without a contract, to denounce him with more transparency that he does not represent him and that rather, he represents only the client with whom he is bound by a written contract. What does it mean ?...
2 mars 2023 - Afflicted with a health issue, you want to move to an apartment closer to your daughter, which is fitting, given that a unit in her condo building is for sale. However, this unit is rented. During a visit to the premises, the tenant informs you that he has no intention of leaving, claiming a right to stay there for life. At least, for as long as he wants to. On the other…...