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Nouvelles règles imminentes pour les copropriétés

Mercredi 11 septembre 2024, le Gouvernement du Québec a publié, dans la Gazette officielle du Québec, un Projet de règlement important, qui mettra, lors de son adoption définitive, en vigueur des dispositions majeures des projets de loi 16 et 31. Ce règlement, qui modifie en profondeur le Code civil du Québec, imposera de nouvelles obligations aux syndicats de copropriétaires, en matière de transparence, de gestion financière et d'entretien des immeubles....

Vos droits


Importance of earthquake insurance for co-ownerships

The earthquake that occurred on September 1, 2024, with an estimated magnitude of 4.6 and an epicenter in Pierreville, has starkly reminded us of the importance of adequate insurance coverage for condominiums in the event of earthquakes. This event, felt from Quebec City to Montreal, highlighted the vulnerability of condominiums to seismic risks, a danger often underestimated. Although the damage was limited this time, it underscores the need for better preparedness for future seismic incidents. It is essential to consider these risks to protect the investments of condominium owners....



A new era of quality control for condos in Quebec?

Montreal, August 28, 2024 — The Quebec government recently announced a strengthening of quality control practices for new constructions, particularly in divided co-ownership, by the organization Garantie de construction résidence (GCR). Yesterday morning, Me Yves Joli-Coeur, a distinguished lawyer specializing in co-ownership and president of the Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec (RGCQ), shared his analysis of this announcement during an interview with Patrick Masbourian on ICI Première, then on the microphone of Mr. Zappa, on LCN, in the evening....



Conséquences et mesures pour les copropriétés par suite des inondations du 9 août (webradio)

Le mardi 13 août 2024, notre webradio Condolegal était dédiée aux conséquences des inondations dévastatrices qui ont frappé le Québec ce vendredi 9 août. Ces intempéries, parmi les plus violentes jamais enregistrées, ont provoqué des niveaux de précipitations sans précédent, affectant gravement de nombreuses régions, dont Montréal.  Cette webradio a connu un succès record auprès de nos auditeurs que nous tenons à remercier pour leur fidélité....



Nouvelle saison des webradios Condolegal 2024-2025 : Un rendez-vous régulier pour les copropriétaires

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer le lancement de la nouvelle saison des webradios 2024-2025. Cette série d'émissions, qui débutera le mercredi 18 septembre 2024, se poursuivra jusqu'au mercredi 18 juin 2025. Ces rendez-vous tous les deux semaines offriront aux copropriétaires, aux membres des conseils d’administration des syndicats de copropriétaires, aux gestionnaires et à tous les acteurs du milieu de la copropriété, une occasion unique d'approfondir leurs connaissances sur divers sujets essentiels à la bonne gestion de leur immeuble....

Vos droits


Co-ownership: The challenge of storing lithium-ion batteries

With the growing popularity of electric bikes, scooters, and e-scooters, a new reality is emerging in the co-ownership environment: the safe management of lithium-ion batteries. While these small vehicles offer an eco-friendly and practical transportation solution, they also pose significant risks, particularly when it comes to storing batteries inside residential units. This article explores the risks associated with these batteries and the preventive measures that co-owners should adopt to avoid potentially catastrophic incidents. Understanding these dangers is vital for ensuring safety in shared spaces....



Verification of fire alarm and detection systems

7 August 2024 - The Building Chapter of the Safety Code (CBCS) requires the periodic verification and maintenance of fire alarm and detection systems. Like building owners, syndicates of co-owners must periodically inspect and maintain their fire alarm and detection systems to comply with CAN/ULC-S536 standards....



Condolegal and the RGCQ celebrate their 25th anniversary

CONDOLEGAL.COM AND THE RGCQ JOIN UP TO MARK 25 YEARS OF COMMITMENT IN THE FIELD OF CO-OWNERSHIP 1999 is an important year for co-ownership in Quebec. It marks the birth of two organizations dedicated to making known the rules specific to this way of life, to supporting those who benefit from them and to making them evolve for the common benefit. Condolegal is one of these organizations....



Declaration of co-ownership and contractual liability

Declarations of co-ownership generally include a clause that holds each co-owner responsible (towards the other co-owners and the syndicate) for damages caused by their fault or negligence and by the fact of a property for which they are legally responsible. In the case Syndicat de la copropriété 650 Marcel-Laurin c. Neng (2024 QCCQ 2022), the Court of Quebec issued an interesting decision regarding the validity of the contractual liability regime stipulated in a co-ownership declaration....



Barbecues and abnormal neighborhood disturbances

June 16, 2024 – The barbecue season has been underway for some time now. However, this summer habit can lead to abnormal neighborhood disturbances. Most of the time, conflicts arise from their abusive use, especially when these devices are located near a neighbor's bedroom and the smells from what is being cooked are unpleasant. Additionally, excessive noise and noisy gatherings around barbecues can also disrupt the neighborhood's peace. To avoid these inconveniences, it is essential to adhere to certain courtesies and ensure not to disturb your neighbors. Maintaining a respectful distance and communicating with neighbors about planned gatherings can help mitigate potential issues....
