By-law of Ville de Montréal respecting the disclosure and rating of GHG emissions
January 27, 2023 - The Mayor of Montréal, Valérie Plante, made a commitment on September 23, 2019, before the heads of state and government meeting in New York, to reduce the Montréal community's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to their 1990 level. To become carbon neutral by 2050, the City of Montréal adopted the By-law concerning greenhouse gas emission disclosures and ratings of large buildings (21-042). The objective is to know the use of fossil fuels in buildings in order to reduce consumption. This regulation, which came into force on October 4, 2021, requires owners of large buildings to disclose the sources and amounts of energy their buildings use. By June 30 of each year, a declaration of such disclosure must be filed....