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Directors libeled by e-mail

  September 21, 2017 - In a recent Ontario ruling, a syndicate of co-owners has been authorized to present a request with Yahoo to unmask the author of potentially defamatory e-mails. These anonymous messages were sent to the immovable’s co-owners and occupants, under the user name « Ian Fleming »....

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The co-ownership tempest in a “cannabis pot”

September 13, 2017 - The upcoming cannabis legalization is the object of a growing co-ownerships controversy. Neighborhood disturbances are likely to increase, as tobacco smoking already generates several co-owners conflicts, due to second-hand smoke migrating from one unit to another in some buildings. Lawyer Sébastien Fiset believes that if pot is legalized for recreational purposes in Canada, the Québec Tobacco Control Act should apply. But would a syndicate succeed in prohibiting its use in the private portions of a co-ownership? Quebec case law tells us that this has already happened with smoking....



Mandatory license for co-ownership managers

August 24, 2017 --- After enacting the Condominium Owners Protection Act in December 2015, Ontario recently announced an important guideline deriving therefrom. Effective November 1, 2017, all condominium (co-ownership) managers will have 90 days to apply for a license under the Condominium Management Services Act....



Towards condominium insurance reform

August 30, 2017 – The condo insurance consultation, held by the Ministry of Finance from July 14 to August 29, should eventually lead to major reforms in this field. Bodies such as the Chambre de l’assurance de dommages (ChAD) (Damage Insurance Chamber), which oversee insurance brokers and agents’ work, as well as that of claims adjusters, responded to this consultation by producing a brief, filed with the Ministry of Finance. The latter will analyze the many proposals received, and take decisions that all interested parties hope will be in the best interest of all concerned....




September 11, 2017 - the RGCQ urges Québec to take action to end the current "confusion" in co-ownership insurance. "For two years Minister of Justice (Stephanie Vallée) tells us that she will legislate. We hope that she will finally make a move, "said Yves Joli-Coeur, Lawyer Emeritus and general secretary of the RGCQ....



Concealing two suicides can be expensive

August 28, 2017 - A violent death must be declared by an owner selling his home or condo. This information may be crucial to potential buyers who may not want to acquire a residence with a gruesome past. Not revealing it may result in a lawsuit based on the buyer’s defect of consent. Article 1401 of the Civil Code of Québec specifies in this regard that a party's error caused by fraud vitiates consent in all cases where, otherwise, the party would not have contracted or contracted under different terms....



The legal warranty: a must

August 22, 2017 – The number of properties sold without the legal warranty is growing in Quebec. Without it, a buyer will not be able to exercise a recourse against his seller, should a latent defect unknown to the latter be discovered. On the other hand, if the former owner was aware of a problem, the buyer could then claim against him, because he has an obligation to declare it....



Attention aux administrateurs fraudeurs

23 août 2017 — Les administrateurs de copropriété malhonnêtes peuvent sévir dans n’importe quel immeuble, sans même que leur syndicat ne le sache, et lui causer des dommages financiers considérables. Un jugement de la Cour du Québec qui date du 3 mai 2011 nous le rappelle cruellement....



20 000 membres pour

18 août 2017 — a récemment franchi le cap des 20 000 membres. Tout a commencé en 1999 pour ce portail axé sur le droit de la copropriété vulgarisé. Yves Joli-Coeur, avocat émérite et associé principal du cabinet de Grandpré Joli-Coeur, est celui qui a donné un élan irrésistible à ce site Web, que plus d’un million d’internautes consultent chaque année....



Ces mégots qui prennent feu

15 août 2017 — Le service des incendies de la Ville de Toronto est préoccupé, en raison d’une hausse des balcons qui ont pris feu dans plusieurs copropriétés. Quelque 27 sinistres de ce genre ont été recensés cette année dans la Ville Reine, contre 25 en 2016, à cause de mégots de cigarettes lancés depuis d’autres balcons. Heureusement, personne n’a été blessé gravement lors des incendie qui en ont résultés....
