Minutes: balance between transparency and confidentiality

On Wednesday March 13, 2024, we gathered for an enriching webradio session dedicated to a crucial question for boards of directors: the art of drafting and communicating minutes while respecting the Act on the protection of personal information in the private sector. How can we reconcile the necessary transparency and the protection of privacy?

We approached this delicate subject in the company of Me Raphaëlle Levesque and the distinguished lawyer Me Yves Joli-Coeur, both partners of the Dunton Rainville law firm, who shared their expertise on the best practices to adopt to respect both legal and confidentiality of personal data.

This edition was hosted by Madame Valéry Couture, experienced co-ownership manager at Condo Stratégis, guaranteeing a dynamic and informative exchange. With her practical experience, Madame Couture brought a unique perspective on how to navigate between legal imperatives and the duties of co-ownership administrators.


Watch the webradio of March 13:


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