Roles and responsibilities of co-ownership administrators

On Wednesday March 27, 2024, we gathered for an enriching webradio session dedicated to co-ownership administrators. This interactive session was an unmissable opportunity for all administrators who wish to deepen their understanding of their roles and responsibilities, especially in light of recent legislative developments with PL16 and PL141.

We addressed this delicate subject in the company of Me Ghislain Raymond and Me Pierre Zeppettini, both co-ownership lawyers, who shared their expertise on the best practices to adopt to respect their duties and obligations in their capacity as agents of the union.

On the agenda for this webinar:

Detailed clarification of the role of administrators and the Board of Directors (CA) within a co-ownership.
Discussion on the impact of PL16 and Law 141 on the extent of administrators' responsibilities.
Strategies to remedy a dysfunctional CA and for a budget presentation consistent with legal obligations and contingency fund studies.
Obligations of the CA regarding work, particularly with regard to the engagement of qualified suppliers and compliance with the standards of the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ)
Tips for being a “good CA” and ensuring effective and transparent governance.


A captivating evening

This edition was hosted by Ms. Valéry Couture, experienced co-ownership manager at Condo Stratégis, guaranteeing a dynamic and informative exchange. With her practical experience, Ms. Couture has brought a unique perspective on how to navigate between legal imperatives and the duties of co-ownership administrators.


Watch the webradio of March 27:


Also, you can see our web radios in rebroadcast by clicking on this hyperlink.

Keywords: Director