
Questions & Answers

24 Articles

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Your co-ownership facing the ban on fireplaces: what to do?

I purchased a co-ownership, in part because of the presence of a fireplace, which was a key element of the property’s appeal. Today, the chairman of the board informed me that it is now prohibited to use this type of appliance due to municipal by-laws. Furthermore, in order to consider compliance, the City requires that an architect draw up new plans for the entire building, a requirement that seems disproportionate to me. The costs associated…...

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Who votes a condominium budget?

 During our last annual meeting, the board of directors presented the projected budget for the upcoming year, which included a significant increase in common expenses due to major elevator compliance work planned for the year. Although several co-owners strongly opposed this decision, the budget was nevertheless adopted without proper consultation. I truly felt that, during this meeting, the will of the majority of co-owners was not properly considered. Question: What is the power of the co-owners…...

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Who should bear the cost of cleaning dryer vents?

As president of the board of directors, I would like to address the matter of dryer duct maintenance. To prevent lint buildup, ensure the safety of residents, and maintain the efficiency of the ventilation systems, it is recommended to clean these ducts every two or three years. My question is as follows: should these costs be covered individually by each co-owner for the ducts linked to their respective units, or should they be included in…...

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Who has to pay to replace the thermos of a window?

Question: Our declaration of co-ownership states that exterior windows, incorporated into the walls, are common portions for restricted use. However, the windows of my apartment are heavily foggy, a multitude of water droplets accumulate during the night and hinder the view. A glazier told me that the cause of this problem is a failure in the sealing of the thermos glass itself. The directors claim that the costs of replacing the thermos are borne by…...

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TPS, TVQ et syndicat

Je suis administrateur et je m'y perds dans la gestion des charges communes de copropriété au regard de la TPS et de la TVQ. Il y a un local commercial au rez-de-chaussée et des unités d'habitation dans les étages. Question: Comment dois-je répartir ces deux taxes ? Est-ce que tous les copropriétairers doivent les payer ou seulement le propriétaire du local commercial?...

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Taxes foncières et syndicat

À la dernière assemblée de condos, j'ai lu les états financiers et je n'ai vu nulle part que le syndicat payait des taxes foncières. Cela m'étonne beaucoup. Si le syndicat est propriétaire des parties communes, alors c'est logique qu'il soit soumis aux mêmes règles que chacun des copropriétaires à l'égard de sa partie privative. Je ne sais pas trop quoi penser : le syndicat doit-il payer des taxes foncières?...

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Replacing a water heater: can we force a co-owner to comply?

We are a small co-ownership of twelve units. It is recognized that periodic maintenance and replacement of water heaters in apartments is a requirement of insurers. But we have a co-owner who makes the strong head and refuses to change his own (who is more than ten years old), on the pretext that his unit is located in a semi-basement. According to him, the risk of damage in case of water damage is minimal. I…...

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Répartition des tâches

Est-ce qu’un syndicat peut obliger les copropriétaires à effectuer des tâches ménagères?  ...

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Presence of a wasp nest in common areas

  For several years, one or more wasp nests have been housed in the façade of our building. Two co-owners use cheap products to eliminate them, with no conclusive long-term results. I want to hire a professional exterminator to eradicate the problem. Question:  Who is responsible for removing wasp nests if only one co-owner is inconvenienced?  ...

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Can a co-ownership owner-landlord access our pool?

As a member of the board of directors of our co-ownership, I am concerned about the access rights to common portions for co-ownership owners who choose to rent out their units. One of our owners, who has recently rented out his apartment, wonders if he can continue to use facilities like the pool and gym, which he previously frequented three to five times a week. Question: Does he still have the right to use these services…...

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