Date published: 09/08/2022

Mandatory license for co-ownership managers

August 24, 2017 --- After enacting the Condominium Owners Protection Act in December 2015, Ontario recently announced an important guideline deriving therefrom. Effective November 1, 2017, all condominium (co-ownership) managers will have 90 days to apply for a license under the Condominium Management Services Act.

Applicants for a "general license" to work in this field will have to satisfy several new requirements, which will result in mandatory training and examinations. Those who, by November 1, 2017, have less than five years' experience in this field, will be required to take courses offered by the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO).


Four essential subjects will need to be mastered: basic notions of co-ownership law; mastery of knowledge in the building sector; financial planning of a co-ownership; administration and human relations.

Applicants for a general license who, prior to November 1, 2017, have more than five years’ experience in co-ownership management will either be required to attend the above courses or be required to undergo a test to recognize their prior knowledge prepared by the, ACMO.

The entities authorized to provide training are the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario, as well as condominium managers accredited by the ACMO to give training to their employees. The Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2015, enhances the previous Condominium Act, 1998.

In Quebec, the RGCQ has for a long time advocated a diploma and a compulsory license for any condominium manager. This requirement should also be part of the legislative reform on Quebec co-ownership, for which the co-owners have been waiting for too long.

Montreal, August 24, 2017