44 Articles
In theory, your co-ownership doesn't necessarily need a Chartered Professional Accountant to present its financial information, whether it's financial statements, financial forecasts or financing applications. Competent administrators or a manager could do the work and present the required financial information well. However, the need may arise if the co-owners have doubts about the work, skills or honesty of the board members. The internal reports submitted to the co-owners may also be absent or deficient....
February 22, 2022 - The archives of a co-ownership are a set of documents kept being able to manage the building, prove rights or testify to certain activities. I am sometimes asked for how long documents filed in the co-ownership register should be kept by the syndicate. This is a fair question, since the legislator has given no explicit directions on this subject in the Civil Code. It could be that its silence means, "You…...
The search for a good condo manager is like the quest for a good wine! Should you try several before finding the right one? At the risk of having stomach disorders. Or rather, it is necessary to know before the search for the right nectar the quality criteria that are flexibility, intensity, clarity ... Well, let's go! Let's do like the tasters and look for the best qualities in French co-ownership manager (syndic), Quebecois co-ownership…...
December 23, 2021- As an employer, a syndicate of co-ownership has a right of management with respect to its employees, that is to say the right to direct them. This right of management must, however, be exercised in compliance with employment rules. It starts in the hiring process Leading staff is much more than just assigning tasks to the employee. A good employer/employee relationship is created from the hiring process. Experience and job references are…...
November 18, 2021- When it comes to hiring labour in a co-ownership, many directors think that it would be simpler and less expensive if it were provided by contract that the janitor, for example, would be considered a "self-employed". By doing so, it would not be appropriate to deduct deductions for tax purposes, or contributions to Employment Insurance or the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) at source. In addition, it is believed that this avoids red…...
A syndicate of co-owners has the obligation to account for its operations by funds. The Civil Code of Québec requires the creation of a general fund, a contingency fund and in April 2022, the creation of the self-insurance fund. The creation of the early self-insurance fund is recommended. The general fund for current operations is also sometimes referred to as an administration fund or an administration fund....
25 mai 2021 - La question du mois apparaissant à la page d’accueil du site Condolegal.com m’a inspiré cette chronique....
5 mars 2021 — Dans cette deuxième partie de ma chronique qui traite des gestionnaires de copropriété, je parlerai d’autres facettes propres à leur relation avec un syndicat de copropriétaires. Dans mon texte précédent, j’ai mentionné qu’une firme de gestion passe en moyenne trois ans dans une copropriété. Pourquoi? Bien souvent parce qu’après quelques années, les membres d’un CA quittent et d’autres prennent la relève. Or, les nouveaux arrivants peuvent être enclins à critiquer la…...
1er février 2021 — Recourir aux services d’un gestionnaire de copropriété est une décision importante. Le mandataire doit être choisi avec doigté. Malheureusement, certains syndicats de copropriétaires éprouvent des difficultés à sélectionner les bons candidats. À l’inverse, certains gestionnaires ne savent pas dans quoi ils s’embarquent en acceptant un mandat, si bien que les mauvaises surprises peuvent miner la relation d’affaires entre eux....
2 novembre 2018 - Encore de nouvelles obligations pour les syndicats de copropriétaires, dites-vous? Eh bien, oui!, si vous avez des employés. Mais si ça peut vous rassurer, ces nouvelles obligations s’adressent aussi à tous les employeurs québécois, sans exception…...