

104 Articles



Conséquences et mesures pour les copropriétés par suite des inondations du 9 août (webradio)

Le mardi 13 août 2024, notre webradio Condolegal était dédiée aux conséquences des inondations dévastatrices qui ont frappé le Québec ce vendredi 9 août. Ces intempéries, parmi les plus violentes jamais enregistrées, ont provoqué des niveaux de précipitations sans précédent, affectant gravement de nombreuses régions, dont Montréal.  Cette webradio a connu un succès record auprès de nos auditeurs que nous tenons à remercier pour leur fidélité....



Importance of earthquake insurance for co-ownerships

The earthquake that occurred on September 1, 2024, with an estimated magnitude of 4.6 and an epicenter in Pierreville, has starkly reminded us of the importance of adequate insurance coverage for condominiums in the event of earthquakes. This event, felt from Quebec City to Montreal, highlighted the vulnerability of condominiums to seismic risks, a danger often underestimated. Although the damage was limited this time, it underscores the need for better preparedness for future seismic incidents.…...



Insurance deductible: What proof must the Syndicate provide to obtain reimbursement?

A recent decision by the Court of Québec provides important clarifications for co-ownership syndicates seeking to recover insurance deductibles from co-owners in the event of a claim. In this ruling, the Court dismissed a syndicate’s request for a co-owner to reimburse a deductible of $50,014.13 following water damage that occurred in their unit. This decision sheds light on the complexities of proving liability in such cases and highlights several recurring issues regarding co-owner responsibility and…...

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