Definition : Work for the enlargement of common portions

Work that increases the dimensions of a common portions. This is the case, for example, of the enlargement of a stairwell in the immovable in order to comply with safety standards, involving a reduction in the dimensions of adjacent private portions. This work must:

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Work in common portions for restricted use

As in common portions, work can be carried out in common portions for restricted use, such as building a terrace upon which a co-owner would have exclusive use or transforming a balcony into an additional room attached to an apartment. If such cases, the co-owners must keep in mind that…...



Works for the alteration, enlargement or improvement of the common portions

Works for the alteration, enlargement or improvement of the common portions are subject to a special regime. On the one hand, such work must be the subject of a formal authorization from the meeting of co-owners, by  the enhanced majority of article 1097 of the Civil Code of Quebec. On the other hand, this kind…...



Who should decide of the work to be carried out?

As a general rule, the syndicate of co-owners decides upon and carries out the work to be done in common portions. It acts through its two bodies, the board of directors and the general meeting of the co-owners. However, certain work must be decided upon by the co-owners convened at…...



Enhanced majority

The Civil Code of Quebec requires an enhanced majority for certain decisions that have a greater impact on the community of co-owners or on their individual rights. These decisions can significantly influence the daily lives of co-owners and the value of their properties.  In addition, this enhanced majority is intended to temper…...



Webradio du 5 mai 2021/Travaux en copropriété: le CA n'a pas tous les droits (2)

Pour un syndicat, réaliser des travaux dans les parties privatives de son immeuble requiert le suivi d'un protocole, avant de pouvoir y accéder. Mais en revanche, tout copropriétaire doit se montrer coopératif, advenant que des travaux doivent être réalisés dans son condo, afin de préserver l'intégrité et la pérennité du…...



Webradio du 28 avril 2021/Travaux en copropriété: le CA n'a pas tous les droits

Les travaux à faire dans une copropriété doivent être décidé par le CA, ou par l'assemblée des copropriétaires, en fonction de leur nature. Ne pas suivre cette règle pourrait entraîner des conséquences extrêmement fâcheuses....



Powers of the Meeting of the co-owners

The Meeting of the co-owners is one of the two decision-making bodies that governs a co-ownership.The major decisions that can potentially concern each member of the co-ownership are in principle taken in assembly. Whether for the work of alteration or improvement of the common portions, the election of the members of the board…...



Webradio du 2 décembre 2020: Les travaux en copropriété

Les travaux à faire dans une copropriété peuvent être décidé par le conseil d'administration, alors que d'autres nécessitent un vote par l'assemblée des copropriétaires....
