Nuisances that exceed the normal annoyances that the neighbors must accept (noise, odors, dust, smoke, etc.), according to the nature or location of their land, dwelling or local usage. To be abnormal, the annoyance must be severe to the point of being intolerable. In divided co-ownership, the Civil Code of Quebec specifies that each co-owner freely uses and enjoys his private portion and the common portions, provided that he respects the by-laws of the immovable and does not infringe the rights of the other co-owners or the destination of the immovable. This is why the By-laws of the immovable generally contain clauses sanctioning abnormal neighborhood disturbances. The victim of a neighborhood disturbance may apply to the court for an application for injunction or damages against the person who causes it, when it is continuous or repetitive and the inconvenience caused is real and serious
Has a condo in divided co-ownership caught your attention? Are you seriously considering buying it, but first, you'd like to know more about the immediate neighborhood? To gather additional information beyond what the seller has provided, you will often need to conduct your own investigation. This step is important on…...
I have been a member of the board of directors of our co-ownership for ten years. We have in our building two families who have recently moved in with small children. Since then, some elderly co-owners have complained about the noise generated by crying, moving furniture and the noise of…...
In principle, co-owners have the right to enjoy their private portion as they see fit. This use nevertheless has limits, namely that the right of enjoyment must not exceed normal neighborhood inconveniences. If the nuisance caused by an occupant of the immovable becomes excessive, it constitutes an abnormal neighborhood disturbance.…...
In principle, the work undertaken by the syndicate should not cause harm to a co-owner. If he suffers a prejudice beyond a mere temporary nuisance, he is then be entitled to an indemnity. Article 1067 of the Civil Code of Quebec states that a co-owner may be indemnified by the…...
June 16, 2024 – The barbecue season has been underway for some time now. However, this summer habit can lead to abnormal neighborhood disturbances. Most of the time, conflicts arise from their abusive use, especially when these devices are located near a neighbor's bedroom and the smells from what is…...
Dans cette capsule vidéo, l’avocat émérite Yves Joli-Coeur aborde un sujet délicat: les troubles anormaux de voisinage. Il rappelle que tout copropriétaire a le droit de jouir de sa partie privative comme il le souhaite. Cependant, la loi prévoit également un devoir de tolérance des voisins, c’est-à-dire d’accepter les inconvénients…...
Dans cette capsule vidéo, l’avocat émérite Me Yves Joli-Coeur aborde un problème fréquent et souvent négligé : la mauvaise insonorisation des appartements détenus en copropriété divise. La mauvaise insonorisation peut être une source majeure de conflits entre voisins et peut affecter considérablement votre qualité de vie. Avant d’acheter un appartement…...
How to be sure that the off-plan apartment you have spotted meets your expectations and needs? One of the keys to success in the purchase of a new home: the quality of your exchange with the real estate developer. In this regard, the Law grants to purchasers the right of obtaining…...
December 2, 2023- If the bailiff can only make purely material findings, excluding any opinion on the factual or legal consequences that may result, his finding must not appear in the eyes of some as a restriction. Indeed, the definition of the role of the bailiff is, on the contrary,…...
I am a co-owner in a co-ownership in phases of 10 syndicates of co-owners who share a grassy lot in common part. Until the arrival of young children in the condos the space was not very busy. Currently it is the regular meeting place for children and their parents (end…...
La webradio du 30 mars 2022 a porté sur l’acoustique en copropriété. Le bruit constitue l’une des nuisances les plus courantes en copropriété. Moult différends entre copropriétaires découlent du bruit généré par les uns et les autres. Ces pommes de discorde génèrent plusieurs litiges. Pour tout dire, l’insonorisation acoustique adéquate…...
For the respect and tranquility of all the occupants of our building, we wish to ban dogs. Question: Are we entitled to do so? Answer: There is no legislation in Quebec that formally prevents a syndicate of co-owners from including in the declaration of co-ownership a clause prohibiting the…...
You have just bought your new condo and for some time now, you have been hearing noise that prevents you from peacefully enjoying your unit, or even prevents you from sleeping completely. You question your neighbors and they face the same problem. But noise can stress, exasperate, tire, and even…...
I live on the 5th floor of an 8-storey building. The co-owner on the 7th storey uses his balcony to let the dog urinate and defecate. Unfortunately, the urine and droppings fall back on our balconies. The situation has been going on for almost two years. We sent him e-mails,…...
15 septembre 2017 — Un couple de copropriétaires a réalisé que harceler des voisins peut coûter cher. Il a dû faire face à la justice, par le fait d’un autre couple qui l’a poursuivi pour harcèlement....
Mon voisin de palier vit seul dans son condo. Il souffre de délire paranoïaque et, chaque nuit, frappe dans le mur avec un marteau ou un bâton, prétendant que j’opère une imprimerie dans mon unité. Il dit qu’il sent des vibrations en provenance de mon appartement. Je lui ai déjà…...
The co-owner of the apartment below ours uses the barbecue on his balcony almost daily. The smoke and smell of grilled meat are so strong that I no longer wish to use my balcony. These fumes force me to keep my patio door and my windows closed. Question: Are there…...