Definition : Contractual civil liability

Legal obligation for a natural or legal person to indemnify for the injury he (it) has caused to a third party as a result of its failure to comply with the commitments he (it) has undertaken contractually.

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Civil liability of the syndicate of co-owners

In the same way as any other natural or legal person, a syndicate of co-owners is likely to incur civil liability towards third parties, including co-owners. Responsibility is the counterpart of power: where authority lies, there is responsibility. A syndicate must therefore act with prudence and diligence, taking the necessary measures to prevent accidents normally foreseeable,…...



Civil liability of the directors

The juridical personality of the syndicate is distinct from the one of the co-owners and directors. His acts are binding only on himself, besides for the exceptions provided by law. The faults committed by the syndicate have consequences only on its own civil liability and not on the directors. Under these conditions,…...



Co-owner responsible for a loss

A bathtub or a washing machine that overflows into the apartment below, a water heater that conks out and spills down six floors: losses involving the civil liability of a co-owner are many co-ownerships. And they are expensive! This is why the amount of insurance premiums and deductibles have increased significantly in…...

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The declaration of co-ownership is a contract that orchestrates and regulates the lives of co-owners, lessees and other occupants of the immovable. It represents the guideline for everyone who lives in the immovable.The declaration of co-ownership provides, systematically, that it is up to the board of directors to have its…...

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The law has provided legislative provisions for syndicates of co-owners to ensure they are protected in the event of poorly executed work (article 1081 of the Civil Code of Quebec). The legislator aims to address the issues that may arise following a construction project. When work is carried out in…...



Declaration of co-ownership and contractual liability

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Insurance of the manager

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Co-ownership water heater

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Liability related to his responsabilities

The condo manager’s tasks are numerous and so, his civil liability could be engaged. As a mandatary of the syndicate of co-owners, the manager is required to fulfill the terms of his mandate. The manager can incur his liability in two ways: first of all, he can incur his contractual civil liability towards the mandator;…...

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Damage to the building: what about depreciation?

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Water damage - payment of the deductible

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