Definition : Civil liability

Legal obligation for a natural person or legal person to repair the damage caused to a third party resulting from his failure to comply with:

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A bathtub or a washing machine that overflows into the apartment below, a water heater that conks out and spills down six floors: losses involving the civil liability of a co-owner are many co-ownerships. And they are expensive! This is why the amount of insurance premiums and deductibles have increased significantly in…...

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Liability of the syndicate of co-owners regarding the work

Like any other natural or legal person, a syndicate of co-owners is susceptible to incur civil liability. This may be called into question during the execution of work in the common portions, as soon as a resident of the building or any other person in its environment experiences damage, direct…...



Lessee’s insurance

With the increasing presence of tenants in divided co-ownership buildings, it is essential for all stakeholders to fully understand the issues related to insurance coverage. Unlike in other countries, Quebec law does not require tenants to purchase “home insurance”, which would cover their belongings and civil liability in the event…...



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The tasks of the condo manager are numerous. The latter may be mandated to manage the immovable, and thus ensure its preservation and maintenance; implement the decisions of the board of directors; settle major losses, take out the insurance required for your syndicate, but also to enforce the by-laws of…...

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Civil liability insurance of the syndicate

A syndicate is likely to incur civil liability towards co-owners but also third party members; this liability can be illustrated by the financial contribution of the co-owners because in the event of a judgment condemning the syndicate to pay a sum of money, this judgment will be enforceable against him and…...



Co-ownership water heater

In a divided co-ownership, most storage water heaters (electric or gas) play an essential role in the daily comfort of residents; typically installed inside the apartments, these devices are considered to be part of the private portions thus falling under the individual responsibility of each co-owner and so, it is imperative for them to ensure…...



Water damage: whose fault is it?

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Civil liability of a director

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Eligibility and Abilities

The members of the board of directors play a key role in the co-ownership: they must be involved in the life of the building to ensure the proper management of the co-ownership and the well-being of the co-owners. Usually appointed by the Meeting of the co-owners, the director is a…...

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Water damage - payment of the deductible

Question: I am a co-owner. Can the syndicate of co-owners claim the amount of the deductible for the insurance if I am responsible for the water damage?...

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Can it be held civilly liable?

In the same way as any other natural or legal person, a syndicate of co-owners is likely to incur civil liability towards third parties, including co-owners. Responsibility is the counterpart of power: where authority lies, there is responsibility. A syndicate must therefore act with prudence and diligence, taking the necessary measures to prevent accidents normally foreseeable,…...
