The value of a fraction determined (for example, apartment 303) by comparing its value in relation with the value of all the other fractions. Generally expressed in percentage, it is established taking into account the nature, destination, dimension and location of the private portion of each fraction, but without taking into account its use. It is used to establish the share of the right of ownership of the co-owners in the common portions, their contribution to common expenses and the number of votes attached to their private portion.
We own a two-level apartment (a main floor and a mezzanine) in a three-story building. Initially, an open space above the kitchen, crossed by beams, created an open area up to the mezzanine ceiling. The first owner added glass panels on the beams, turning this space into a glass ceiling…...
In divided co-ownership, the property of the building is divided among the co-owners in the form of "fractions." Each fraction includes a clearly defined private section, such as an apartment, a parking space, a storage unit, or even sometimes a piece of land. Additionally, each fraction grants a share of the common…...
In co-ownership law, unanimity is a rule that requires the agreement of all co-owners, not just those present or represented at the meeting of co-owners. To adopt a unanimous decision, it requires the favourable opinion of all the co-owners, no votes against, and no abstentions. Unanimity is the highest level…...
The first sentence of article 1090 of the Quebec civil Code states that "Each co-owner is entitled to a number of votes at a general meeting proportionate to the relative value of his fraction." The number of votes is related to the share of property rights each co-owner holds in the building. Therefore, the co-owner of a…...
Divided co-ownership is a housing formula that usually has more than one owner. In order to assess and quantify the interest of each person in the building, the legislator has provided that the right of ownership of each owner in the common portions is proportional to the relative value of his…...
I've discovered an error in our declaration of co-ownership. Specifically, the lot number of one of the parking spaces is omitted in the description of the fractions. However, it is correctly mentioned elsewhere in the declaration of co-ownership, particularly in the table of relative values found in the constituting act…...
Any co-owner may have the relative value of their fraction, as well as the allocation of common expenses (condo fees), revised according to certain conditions and formalities. To do so, it is necessary to proceed with an appeal to revise the relative value of the fractions. Furthermore, a co-owner may…...
Sometimes, co-owners of contiguous private portions wish to modify the boundaries of their private portions. For example, if one of the two co-owners wishes to enlarge their apartment by incorporating part of the adjacent unit, specific procedures are necessary. Similarly, when a co-owner wishes to merge two units they own…...
The co-ownership (condominium) gives rise to expenses relating to the maintenance of the common portions and the day-to-day administration of the syndicate. Administrative, maintenance, replacement, improvement or alteration expenses of the common portions are divided among the co-owners of the immovable. General common expenses are to be distinguished from particular common…...
La webradio du mercredi 29 mars 2023 a porté sur le mode de répartition des charges communes entre les copropriétaires. La copropriété donne lieu à des dépenses relatives à l’entretien des parties communes et l’administration courante du syndicat. Les coûts d'administration, d'entretien, de remplacement, d'amélioration ou de transformation des parties communes constituent des…...