All documents and archives necessary to fulfill the mission of the syndicate of co-owners. These documents include, in particular, the name and mailing address of each co-owners, the minutes of meetings of the co-owners and meetings of the board of directors, the written resolutions of the board of directors or the meetings of the co-owners, the by-laws of the immovable and their amendments, the financial statements, a copy of the declaration of co-ownership, the contracts to which the syndicate is a party, a copy of the cadastral plan, the plans and specifications of the building (as) built, the certificates of location of the immovable, if available, the maintenance logbook, the contingency fund study, all other documents relating to the immovable and the syndicate or provided for by government regulation and a description of the units sufficiently precise so that the improvements made by the co-owners are identifiable (This description is commonly referred to as a " reference unit"). It is the responsibility of the board of directors to ensure its preservation. Most of the documents produced in this register must be made available to any co-owner who requests them.
During our last co-ownership owners’ assembly, discussions were particularly heated, making it difficult to follow the exchanges at times. To facilitate the drafting of the minutes, we recorded the session with the owners' consent. However, this morning, one of them requested a copy of the recording, claiming they had a…...
When our board of directors communicates by email with co-owners, the addresses remain hidden, preventing any exchange between us. This seems contradictory, since our declaration of co-ownership requires us to provide our contact information, and the syndicate’s register contains these addresses. The right to privacy is invoked to justify this…...
To obtain a quote for kitchen renovation work, I need to consult specific documents in our syndicate's register, particularly the plumbing plans. These are essential to provide the contractor with accurate information about the installations and plan the work. However, the administrators are delaying access to these documents until Monday…...
The plans and specifications of a constructed (as) built are essential tools for the syndicate of co-owners, responsible for managing the common areas and ensuring the preservation of the building. Kept in the register required under article 1070 of the Civil code of Québec, these technical documents provide an overview…...
A co-owner wishes to acquire exclusive use rights for a rooftop terrace currently designated as a common portion according to the provisions of the declaration of co-ownership. This co-owner seeks to have the terrace reclassified as a restricted common area to enjoy exclusive use. The terrace, which forms part of the…...
I have just purchased an apartment in a co-ownership property and, as a new co-owner, I am discovering a world with its own rules and specific obligations. While reviewing the declaration of co-ownership, I had several questions about the administrative steps to take after the purchase. Among these, I wonder…...
I am in the process of buying a condo, and I want to make sure I make an informed decision. I understand that many of the essential documents needed to properly assess the potential purchase are found in the co-ownership register. I don’t want to end up with unpleasant surprises…...
I am a new owner in a small co-ownership. The directors are volunteers. I am wondering about the most effective way to raise awareness among co-owners and directors about the importance of complying with our declaration of co-ownership and recent legislative changes. My goal is to address this delicate issue…...
Cohabiting with others in a building in divided co-ownership implies the right to respect for the private life. This right is guaranteed by article 3 of the Civil Code of Québec and the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Its informational dimension is legally protected by the Act respecting the…...
Usually declarations of co-ownership list the patrimony of the syndicate of co-owners. Among the items owned by the syndicate is the register of co-ownership. It contains all the syndicate's archives, such as the declaration of co-ownership, the up-to-date list of co-owners of the immovable and the minutes of the co-owners…...
Optimal management of a co-ownership (condominium) is rooted in the meticulous keeping of a register and so, in accordance with section 342 of the Civil Code of Québec; this register, partially accessible to co-owners, contains vital information for the proper functioning of the co-ownership such as the contact details of the co-owners as well…...
In a divided co-ownership, most storage water heaters (electric or gas) play an essential role in the daily comfort of residents; typically installed inside the apartments, these devices are considered to be part of the private portions thus falling under the individual responsibility of each co-owner and so, it is imperative for them to ensure…...
The characteristic of divided co-ownership is to divide the building into various lots that will be the exclusive property of the co-owners (private portions), and for others that will be the property of all the co-owners (common portions). These lots are identified by an individual number, which was assigned during…...
La webradio du mercredi 15 février 2023 a porté sur le Registre de copropriété : sa tenue et sa consultation. La loi prévoit que le syndicat doit tenir un registre à la disposition des copropriétaires. L'article 342 du Code civil du Québec précise que le conseil d'administration tient la liste des membres, ainsi que les…...
28 mars 2016 - Tout syndicat de copropriété doit constituer et maintenir des registres, en plus d’en permettre la consultation par les copropriétaires. Or, cet accès aux registres ne s’effectue pas toujours de façon harmonieuse. D’une part, il y a des copropriétaires suspicieux qui multiplient les demandes de consultation des registres, croyant y…...
January 27th, 2016. Among the various obligations imposed upon each and every Syndicate of co-ownership, there is a particular one worthy of note. It is the obligation to keep the list of the Syndicate’s co-owners and the books and registers necessary for the proper functioning of the Syndicate. This is…...