Definition : Reference unit

Technical factsheet intended to describe the original layout of a private portion. It must be sufficiently detailed, to identify the improvements the co-owners may have carried out therein. The same description may be valid for several private portions when they have the same characteristics. This technical factsheet must be filed in the register of co-ownership. It must be made available to any co-owner who requests it.

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Building insurance

The law obliges syndicates of co-owners to insure their immovable; the majority of declarations of co-ownerships also have such requirement. This can be explained by the syndicate's main objective which consists to ensure the preservation of the immovable and its longevity; this is why the legislator has given to the syndicate an insurable interest and has made it…...



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Absolute majority

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Powers of the Meeting of the co-owners

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Syndicates that have not produced a reference unit are at great risk

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Documents and information relating to the immovable and the syndicate

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Improvements to private portion

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