Meeting officer, generally elected by the meeting of the co-owners, whose mission, in particular, is to certify the attendance sheet, ascertain quorum, direct the discussions, insure that the votes proceed and sign the minutes.
WARNING! One must not confuse the office of president of the meeting with the office of president of the Board of Directors. They are two different offices.
During our last co-ownership owners’ assembly, discussions were particularly heated, making it difficult to follow the exchanges at times. To facilitate the drafting of the minutes, we recorded the session with the owners' consent. However, this morning, one of them requested a copy of the recording, claiming they had a…...
One of the co-owners systematically disrupts the smooth running of meetings by monopolizing the floor with endless and repetitive interventions, often off-topic, preventing other participants from speaking and significantly slowing down discussions. His aggressive attitude, punctuated by insults directed at members of the board of directors, creates an atmosphere of…...
Co-owners must make decisions that are essential for the life of their co-ownership, which cannot be adopted by the board of directors without their consent. To this end, the meeting of co-owners brings together the co-owners or their representatives, at least once a year. In this context, the taking…...
The minutes of the meeting are a document of paramount importance to ensure the execution of the decisions of the meeting. Therefore, the decisions taken by co-owners in a general meeting must be recorded and entered in the minutes. This document is essential for a co-ownership because it ensures the…...
An attendance sheet must be kept for each co-owner's meeting. However, the Civil Code of Québec does not specify any specific rules, such as the person responsible for its establishment, or the time when this formality must be completed. The declaration of co-ownership generally stipulates that it must be…...
One of the essential moments of co-ownership is undoubtedly that of the meeting of co-owners. It is during this meeting that major decisions of the co-ownership are voted, such as the carrying out of certain works, the sale of a common portion and the modification of the declaration of co-ownership.…...
The meeting of co-owners is the gathering of all the co-owners, to make the decisions necessary for the sustainability of the building and the proper functioning of the co-ownership. It is one of the two decision-making bodies of the syndicate. This should be held at least once a year, but it…...
Our last annual meeting of co-owners was opened and held by our directors, but there seems to be a lack of clarity on the procedures to be followed. Several co-owners were uncertain about the roles and responsibilities during the meeting, which led to some confusion. Indeed, without a clear understanding…...
The Board of Directors has opted for an online annual meeting of co-owners. However, the platform used restricts interactions between participants by not allowing camera activation, chat, or any other form of communication between them. Only the President of the Assembly has access to the questions asked and grants the…...
The appointment of meeting officers is necessary to hold a meeting of co-owners. The titles that can be occupied by the meeting officers are as follows: president, vice-president, secretary and scrutineer; although the functions of each of these roles are distinct, their purpose is to ensure that the debates are properly conducted and that…...
The declaration of co-ownership generally contains the terms and conditions concerning the conduct of the meeting of co-owners by defining rules of procedure and the role of the meeting officers. Key figures of the assembly of co-owners, they ensure the smooth running of it. Their appointment is therefore necessary for…...
La webradio du mercredi 26 avril 2023 a porté la présidence d’une assemblée de copropriétaires. Il est connu de tous que l’assemblée des copropriétaires est un événement majeur dans la vie d’une copropriété. À la tête de l’assemblée se trouve son président, qui ouvre la séance, dirige les débats, fait respecter la procédure…...
The agenda lists the questions to be voted on and the information and consultation items that will be addressed at the meeting of co-owners. The decision-making power of the meeting of co-owners is defined by the Civil Code of Québec and the declaration of co-ownership (Constitutive Act of Co-ownership). The…...
Je suis membre d’un syndicat de copropriétaires dans l’Outaouais comptant 80 copropriétaires dont 65% sont anglophones. Les rencontres de l’assemblée des copropriétaires et celles du conseil d’administration sont toujours en anglais. Lorsqu’une question est posée en français on y fait généralement abstraction et on la passe sous silence. Question : Au Québec…...