Definition : Pre-purchase inspection

An inspection by a professional, consisting of the visual examination of the building and the preparation of a report describing its physical condition. This inspection is carried out generally before the parties sign the deed of sale.

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Pre-purchase inspection

By buying an apartment in a co-ownership, you will most likely invest the largest amount of money of your life. In order to avoid being caught off guard during the steps prior to this acquisition, you will need to be well accompanied. After finding the condo that suits you, the…...



Legal recourses for the co-owners regarding latent defects

Article 1726 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code of Quebec, provides that " The seller is bound to warrant the buyer that the property and its accessories are, at the time of the sale, free of latent defects which render it unfit for the use for which it was intended or…...

Your Rights


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Pre-purchase inspection

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