Construction consisting of an artificial basin, filled with water, allowing a natural person to swim or bathe. In divided co-ownership, the pool is generally located in the common portions. It is therefore the responsibility of the syndicate of co-owners to ensure its maintenance and preservation.
When purchasing an apartment in a high-rise building, the buyer automatically becomes a co-owner in a vertical co-ownership, where the units are stacked on top of each other. However, when acquiring a house (detached, townhouse or semi-detached) located on a shared piece of land with other houses, it typically falls under horizontal co-ownership., where…...
The board of directors is considering voting on a regulation to limit the number of swimmers in the pool and to prohibit the presence of dogs in the grassy areas of the common portions. Question: Would it be possible to implement it immediately? It is important to note that this…...
Le mercredi 12 juin 2024, de 19h00 à 20h00, ne manquez pas notre prochaine session spéciale de la webradio Condolegal, dédiée aux piscines en copropriété divise....
May 4, 2024 — Warm weather during the summer months can unfortunately coincide with aquatic tragedies that have fatal consequences. Warm seasons have been marked by tragic incidents in various aquatic environments. For instance, a high school student was found drowned in his school's pool. Additionally, a very young child…...
As a member of the board of directors of our co-ownership, I am concerned about the access rights to common portions for co-ownership owners who choose to rent out their units. One of our owners, who has recently rented out his apartment, wonders if he can continue to use facilities like…...
The presence of a swimming pool in a divided co-ownership is a significant attraction for the building's occupants, transforming common portions into a haven of relaxation and comfort. This facility allows residents to enjoy swimming pleasures without leaving the comfort of their home. Effective management and proper use of this…...
April 4, 2024 — Public and private pools rely on proper water chemistry to function adequately, ensuring they are safe for swimmers. Chlorine is the main disinfectant used, which has faced criticism in recent years due to concerns about it being carcinogenic. These claims are unfounded when it is properly…...
Our co-ownership is composed of more than 350 apartments, and a significant percentage of these are owned by co-owners who rent to tenants of Muslim faith. Many of these tenants regularly use the common facilities, including the pools. Our indoor and outdoor pool regulations are clear: only the wearing of…...
Although according to the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), the risk of contracting COVID-19 in a swimming pool is very low or non-existent, access to swimming pools remains prohibited until further notice. According to virologist Hugues Loemba, a clinician-researcher at Montfort Hospital in Ottawa, the risk does…...