Definition : Private portion

A portion of an immovable (e.g. an apartment, a parking space, a locker and sometimes land) which is owned in full ownership by a specific co-owner and of which he has the exclusive use. The declaration of co-ownership (description of the fractions) determines what is private.

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Co-ownership fraction

In divided co-ownership, the property of the building is divided among the co-owners in the form of "fractions." Each fraction includes a clearly defined private section, such as an apartment, a parking space, a storage unit, or even sometimes a piece of land. Additionally, each fraction grants a share of the common…...



Horizontal co-ownership

When purchasing an apartment in a high-rise building, the buyer automatically becomes a co-owner in a vertical co-ownership, where the units are stacked on top of each other. However, when acquiring a house (detached, townhouse or semi-detached) located on a shared piece of land with other houses, it typically falls under horizontal co-ownership., where…...



Banning the consumption of cigarettes and cannabis in co-ownerships

A source of permanent controversy in co-ownership, cannabis and tobacco smoking arouse passions. However, it is recognized that there is no inalienable right for a co-owner to smoke in the common portions or in a private portion. On the contrary, the common law on abnormal neighbourhood disturbances and the effects…...

Your Rights


Merger and modifications of the private portions

Sometimes, co-owners of contiguous private portions wish to modify the boundaries of their private portions. For example, if one of the two co-owners wishes to enlarge their apartment by incorporating part of the adjacent unit, specific procedures are necessary. Similarly, when a co-owner wishes to merge two units they own…...

Your Rights


Building insurance

The law obliges syndicates of co-owners to insure their immovable; the majority of declarations of co-ownerships also have such requirement. This can be explained by the syndicate's main objective which consists to ensure the preservation of the immovable and its longevity; this is why the legislator has given to the syndicate an insurable interest and has made it…...



Co-ownership parking: private portions

Parking spaces designated as private portions are common in divided co-ownership; this specific legal status is granted to them by the declaration of co-ownership, which identifies them as fractions in the section dedicated to the description of the fractions. Similar to an apartment held in co-ownership (condominium), all parking spaces have a…...

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Guide des acronymes et abréviations clés en copropriété

En tant que membre du conseil d'administration de notre syndicat de copropriété, je suis fréquemment confronté à une variété de documents et communications qui emploient divers acronymes et abréviations propres au secteur de la copropriété. Dans le but d'améliorer ma compréhension ainsi que celle des autres membres du conseil, et…...

Your Rights


Private portions and common portions

The characteristic of divided co-ownership is to divide the building into various lots that will be the exclusive property of the co-owners (private portions), and for others that will be the property of all the co-owners (common portions). These lots are identified by an individual number, which was assigned during…...



Certificate of location

Section 1719 of the Civil code of Québec states that the seller must provide the buyer with a copy of the deed of purchase, as well as with a copy of the owner history and of the certificate of location he has on hand. Prepared by a land surveyor, the…...



Syndicates that have not produced a reference unit are at great risk

June 28th, 2020 - The law concerning co-ownership insurance has undergone major changes since June 2018.  Section 1070 of the Civil Code of Quebec now contains a third paragraph, which provides that the syndicate keeps a sufficiently precise description of the private portions available to the co-owners, for insurance purposes, so that the improvements made by…...
