Action by which a person (the creditor) formally requests, in writing, another (the debtor) to do or not to do something (to pay common expenses, to abide to the declaration of co-ownership, to suspend construction work irregularly undertaken, etc.)under specific terms and within a specified timeframe. Its purpose is to encourage the debtor to fulfill their obligations and avoid the need for the creditor to take the matter to court. Additionally, if the formal notice remains unanswered, late payment interest may accrue from the date the notice was delivered, particularly when it involves the payment of a sum of money.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ! In some cases, a formal notice is a mandatory preliminary step before initiating legal proceedings (e.g., in cases of latent defects or claims against a municipality for material damages). This principle was clearly established by the Court of Appeal in the case Syndicat des copropriétaires du condominium Verrières VI c. Maddalon, 2019 QCCA 1737. In this case, the syndicate’s failure to send a formal notice to the co-owner responsible for a loss, prior to commencing work, resulted in the syndicate losing the ability to claim the deductible from the responsible co-owne
WHAT TO KEEP IN MIND : A syndicate of co-owners must imperatively mandate a lawyer to draft and transmit a formal notice to one of its debtors, failing which it may face legal penalties.
WARNING ! It is prohibited for a syndicate director or manager to draft and send a document implying that legal proceedings will be initiated. However, section 129 of the Act respecting the Barreau du Québec provides an exception to the lawyer’s monopoly in this area, allowing notaries to draft and send a formal notice in certain specific cases.