One of the two decision-making bodies of the syndicate which gathers all the co-owners. There are four types of meeting, namely: the Annual Meeting, the Special Meeting, the Special Transitional Meeting and the Make-up Meeting.
I was absent from the last co-owners' meeting. I must admit that I have little confidence in the administrators' management and therefore see no point in attending. As usual, they passed resolutions that I find unreasonable, notably by approving costly renovations for the building’s entrance hall. Additionally, they amended the…...
One of the co-owners systematically disrupts the smooth running of meetings by monopolizing the floor with endless and repetitive interventions, often off-topic, preventing other participants from speaking and significantly slowing down discussions. His aggressive attitude, punctuated by insults directed at members of the board of directors, creates an atmosphere of…...
The right to vote is recognized as an essential element of any modern society, and as such, co-owners cannot be deprived of it except as provided in the law. In addition, each co-owner has, in principle, at the meeting a number of votes proportional to the relative value of his…...
The syndicate of co-owners is composed of all co-owners. Its powers are established in the collective interest of the co-owners, while respecting the individual rights guaranteed by the declaration of co-ownership and the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, particularly regarding the inviolability of the home. It acts as a legal…...
A question often arises whether a co-owner can modify the agenda received with his notice of call to the Annual Meeting, either before or during the General Meeting? The Meeting of co-owners is governed by strict legal rules that you should know about. In principle the General Meeting deliberates only on…...
A General Meeting of the co-owners cannot take place without an agenda. To deliberate in accordance with the Law, co-owners should be able to become aware, before the Meeting, of the questions on the agenda. This the reason why it should be annexed to the notice of call, usually prepared by…...
The COVID-19 health crisis and its procession of government restrictions to limit gatherings have often made it impossible to regroup. The legislator was forced to organize the rescue of legal persons, banned from assemblies, to preserve, at least for a time, their functioning. The syndicates of co-owners have thus adopted…...
During a meeting of co-owners, important decisions are made for each member of the co-ownership. These meetings are crucial as they determine the future management and maintenance of the property. Whether for alteration or improvement of the common portions, the election of the members of the board of directors, it…...
The meeting of co-owners is the gathering of all the co-owners, to make the decisions necessary for the sustainability of the building and the proper functioning of the co-ownership. It is one of the two decision-making bodies of the syndicate. This should be held at least once a year, but it…...
The co-owners of an apartment in the building, Mr. Dupont and Mrs. Tremblay, are spouses in the process of divorce. Mr. Dupont has not attended the co-ownership meetings for two years, while Mrs. Tremblay is currently hospitalized. She wishes to be represented by her son at the next annual meeting.…...
The co-owners have a legal proceeding when they oppose decisions taken by the meeting of the co-owners. They generally seek to contest decisions they consider unjustified. In order to promote the stability of the decisions made at the meeting of co-owners, the legislator allows such recourse only in certain circumstances.…...
The Board of Directors has opted for an online annual meeting of co-owners. However, the platform used restricts interactions between participants by not allowing camera activation, chat, or any other form of communication between them. Only the President of the Assembly has access to the questions asked and grants the…...
The meeting of co-owners is the gathering of all the co-owners, to make the decisions necessary for the sustainability of the building and the proper functioning of the co-ownership. It constitutes one of the two decision-making bodies of the union. This must be held at least once a year, but…...
The declaration of co-ownership generally contains the terms and conditions concerning the conduct of the meeting of co-owners by defining rules of procedure and the role of the meeting officers. Key figures of the assembly of co-owners, they ensure the smooth running of it. Their appointment is therefore necessary for…...
October 15, 2023- The Meeting of co-owners is a major event in the life of a co-ownership. A meeting at least once a year, it is decisive since it allows the making of major decisions that impact the lives and finances of the co-owners. The board of directors' mission is…...
La webradio du mercredi 26 avril 2023 a porté la présidence d’une assemblée de copropriétaires. Il est connu de tous que l’assemblée des copropriétaires est un événement majeur dans la vie d’une copropriété. À la tête de l’assemblée se trouve son président, qui ouvre la séance, dirige les débats, fait respecter la procédure…...
Le mercredi 9 février 2022, la Webradio de était entièrement dédiée à un sujet complexe pour tout syndicat de copropriétaires: les assemblées de copropriétaires virtuelles. La crise sanitaire de la COVID-19 et son cortège de restrictions gouvernementales pour limiter les rassemblements ont rendu souvent impossible tout regroupement. Le législateur s’est…...
Le mercredi 28 octobre 2020, la Webradio de était entièrement dédiée au sujet de l'ABC des assemblées de copropriétaires. Les assemblées de copropriétaire doivent être tenues en bonne et due forme, car il s'agit d'un des deux organes décisionnels d'une copropriété, l'autre étant le conseil d'administration. Des décisions importantes…...
2 février 2016 — Le terme Varia est fréquemment employé dans les ordres du jour d’assemblées générales annuelles de copropriétaires. Il permet d’ajouter des sujets qui n’y étaient pas initialement prévus, et qui sont débattus en fin d’assemblée. Or, selon l’Office québécois de la langue française, ce terme est une…...