Following a water damage incident in the building, the syndicate of co-owners took the necessary measures by reporting the claim to its insurer. A $25,000 deductible was applied as part of the claim settlement, and the syndicate now seeks reimbursement of this amount from the co-owner identified as responsible for…...
We need to carry out work following water damage, and the contractor appointed by our insurance company is asking us to sign a document entitled "Assignment of Claims and Authorization to Proceed with Work". However, there is a paragraph in the document that seems difficult to understand, and we would…...
Le mercredi 30 octobre 2024,, la webradio Condolegal a consacré une émission entière à un sujet d’une importance capitale pour toutes les copropriétés : la gestion des interventions après sinistre en milieu de copropriété. En cas de dégât d’eau, d’incendie ou de toute autre catastrophe imprévue, les copropriétaires et les…...
After being victims of a loss, the members of the board of directors and the affected co-owners are often caught off guard. How will things unfold? There is no need to worry or panic, because in principle, once the notice of loss completed, various stakeholders get involved: the insurer of…...
With the increasing presence of tenants in divided co-ownership buildings, it is essential for all stakeholders to fully understand the issues related to insurance coverage. Unlike in other countries, Quebec law does not require tenants to purchase “home insurance”, which would cover their belongings and civil liability in the event…...
Last night, upon returning from work, I was faced with a disaster. As soon as I opened the door, the sound of running water alerted me. The bathroom had turned into a pool, with the pipe under the sink having burst. After shutting off the water supply, the urgency of…...
Water damages are the leading cause of loss ratio in co-ownerships (condominiums); they are also becoming more and more expensive and so, whether it concerns the syndicates of co-owners or their insurers. For reference, over the past decade, the proportion of water damages has more than doubled in immovables of co-ownerships. In order to limit the…...
The occurrence of a loss in a co-ownership (condominium) is never good news; a significant water damage is likely to cause lasting damages within the immovable. Considering the impact of water damage on a co-ownership's budget, preventive measures must be implemented to monitor components and equipment at higher risk. Moreover, effective and regular communication…...
The main causes of water damages include flooding, sewer backups, poor maintenance as well as broken pipes and leaky plumbing fixtures. Construction defects and faulty design such as defects in the tightness, a poor design of the drainage networks and a counterspend of the balconies can also be the cause of water damages. Since…...
The concept of water damage refers to the damages caused to property by the action of water; it can be a pipe that bursts because of the frost, the drain pipe of the washing machine that breaks or the bathtub that overflows. Water damages are probably the most recurrent problems in immovables in…...
Dans cette capsule vidéo, l’avocat émérite Yves Joli-Coeur aborde un sujet essentiel pour toute copropriété : les recours du syndicat contre un copropriétaire responsable d’un sinistre. Il souligne que lorsqu’un sinistre survient dans une copropriété, le copropriétaire de l’unité d’où provient le sinistre n’est pas systématiquement tenu responsable. La responsabilité…...
Every step of a construction project is crucial to its success. The Square Cartier co-ownership, which has recently been the subject of a lot of media coverage, is the perfect example of a poorly planned construction project. Indeed, it seems that the preliminary phases of this project suffered from a…...
Le mercredi 11 octobre 2023 (à 19h), lors de la traditionnelle webradio de Condolegal, il était question de la gestion des sinistres en copropriété. Un incendie, un dégât d’eau ou un acte de vandalisme en copropriété constitue des situations qui peuvent être complexes et stressantes tant pour les copropriétaires que…...
Le mercredi 24 mars 2021, la Webradio de Condolegal.com a abordé le thème de la gestion des sinistres en copropriété. Animée par François Cellier, cette édition a énoncé les démarches nécessaires après un incendie ou un dégât des eaux. L'accent a été mis sur l'importance du rôle du fiduciaire d’assurance et…...
Le mercredi 3 mars 2021, la Webradio de Condolegal.com était entièrement dédiée à un sujet complexe en copropriété: la valeur de reconstruction versus l'augmentation du coût des matériaux de construction. Le coût des matériaux de construction a augmenté considérablement depuis mars 2020, date du début d'une pandémie qui n'a pas…...
A co-owner has repeatedly caused several water damages in our building, due to his negligence. This resulted in a surcharge for the syndicate's insurance. Question: Can the board of directors claim the full amount from the co-owner who caused the loss?...
The transfer of ownership will take place at the signing of the deed of sale, as well as the taking of possession which usually takes place on the same day. In return for the payment of the sum agreed to the seller, the buyer will have the full enjoyment of…...