Definition : Judgment

Official decision of the court in a legal case ruling upon a dispute between the parties or determining their rights and obligations within the framework of legal process.

 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ! A judgment condemning the syndicate to pay a sum of money is executory against the syndicate and against each of the persons who were co-owners at the time the cause of action arose, proportionately to the relative value of his fraction. TO KEEP IN MIND : A judgment condemning the syndicate to pay a sum of money may not be executed against the contingency fund, except for a debt arising from the repair of the immovable or the replacement of common portions, or against the self-insurance fund, unless the judgment is in respect of the recovery of an amount for the payment of which the fund is to be used.

WARNING !  A right resulting from a judgment is prescribed by 10 years if it is not exercised.

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