Natural or legal person the mandate of which, under the terms and conditions of a contract for services to insure (entirely or partially) the day to day management of a co-ownership.
A co-ownership is exposed to various types of risks, such as fires, water damages, theft and acts vandalism; among these risks, one that is often overlooked is fraud. Those capable of committing fraudulent acts can sometimes be unsuspected or seemingly above suspicion; this includes director, co-owner, condo manager, service providers, and…...
The condo manager bound to a syndicate of co-owners by a contract for services does not have the same relationship with his client as the one who has the status of an employee and so, regarding a contract of employment; that being said, regardless of the nature of the relationship between…...
A contract typically comes with an expiration date; this is true for the contractual relationship between the syndicate of co-owners and its condo manager. The agreement can last for years or end abruptly; the flexibility and the adaptability of this agreement efficiently addresses the evolving needs and the changes of both parties. Moreover, loyalty…...
The contract for services must clearly outline the condo manager's remuneration regarding the day-to-day management services provided for the co-ownership (condominium); this management includes the usual acts that are generally part of the base package but the manager can also request additional fees for extra rendered services. ...
Every syndicate of co-owners should retain the services of a condo manager to assist the board of directors carrying out its duties; as a real conductor of the immovable, he has enormous responsibilities to assume because the needs of a co-ownership (condominium) are multiple and complex. That being said, there are three types of management…...
The condo manager’s tasks are numerous and so, his civil liability could be engaged. As a mandatary of the syndicate of co-owners, the manager is required to fulfill the terms of his mandate. The manager can incur his liability in two ways: first of all, he can incur his contractual civil liability towards the mandator;…...
As the person responsible for the management of the syndicate of co-owners’ real estate assets, the condo manager plays a strategic role; his competence level can make the difference especially if the board of directors knows next to nothing in such matters. The functioning of a co-ownership (condominium) as well as the stewardship of the…...
Voilà bientôt 30 années que le métier de syndic de copropriété ( dénommé chez vous : gestionnaire de copropriétés) dispose en Belgique d’une reconnaissance légale. Intégré dans les activités d’un agent immobilier, le syndic doit être inscrit auprès de l’Institut Professionnel des agents Immobiliers (I.P.I), organisme public et véritable «…...
Le mercredi 3 février 2021, la Webradio de était entièrement dédiée à un sujet complexe pour tout syndicat de copropriétaires: le secret d'un mariage réussi entre gestionnaires et syndicats. Le choix d'un gestionnaire de copropriété doit être judicieux, car sa relation d'affaires avec un syndicat doit être harmonieuse. Mais…...