Definition : Death

The time when there is an irreversible cessation of all brain functions in a natural person. After the death of a co-owner, the property of the deceased is the undivided property of his heirs. It is therefore they who, in principle, must pay the common expenses relating to the fractions that were the property of the deceased.

 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ! In the event of the death of a co-owner, the notices of meetings and minutes of the meetings of the co-owners must be sent by the board of directors to the domicile of the deceased as long as the transfer of ownership has not been notified to him. 

 WARNING ! In the event of the death of a co-owner, the power of attorney he would have entrusted expires automatically. Article 2175 of the  Civil Code of Quebec states the following: In addition to the causes of extinction common to obligations, the mandate is terminated by its revocation by the mandator, by renunciation by the mandatary, by the extinction of the power conferred on the mandatary or by the death of either of the parties.

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