Amount of money intended to compensate financially a natural or legal person who has suffered bodily, moral or material injury. Insofar as divided co-ownership is concerned, the right to claim damages may arise, without limitation when:
I live on the 5th floor of an 8-storey building. The co-owner on the 7th storey uses his balcony to let the dog urinate and defecate. Unfortunately, the urine and droppings fall back on our balconies. The situation has been going on for almost two years. We sent him e-mails,…...
A recent decision by the Court of Québec provides important clarifications for co-ownership syndicates seeking to recover insurance deductibles from co-owners in the event of a claim. In this ruling, the Court dismissed a syndicate’s request for a co-owner to reimburse a deductible of $50,014.13 following water damage that occurred…...
In the same way as any other natural or legal person, a syndicate of co-owners is likely to incur civil liability towards third parties, including co-owners. Responsibility is the counterpart of power: where authority lies, there is responsibility. A syndicate must therefore act with prudence and diligence, taking the necessary measures to prevent accidents normally foreseeable,…...
The syndicate of co-owners is composed of all co-owners. Its powers are established in the collective interest of the co-owners, while respecting the individual rights guaranteed by the declaration of co-ownership and the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, particularly regarding the inviolability of the home. It acts as a legal…...
Section 339 of the Civil Code of Quebec establishes as a basic rule that the term of office of a director is one year. The By-law of the immovable usually describe all the terms and conditions specific to the office of director, including the duration of his mandate. Thus, a syndicate of co-owners may,…...
Co-ownership is an environment conducive to conflict and acrimonious exchanges. Some people who are members of a community of co-owners are sometimes victims. This can happen at an annual meeting, when spirits are heating up and frustrations are at their peak. Latent conflicts between a co-owner and a director, deep…...
A bathtub or a washing machine that overflows into the apartment below, a water heater that conks out and spills down six floors: losses involving the civil liability of a co-owner are many co-ownerships. And they are expensive! This is why the amount of insurance premiums and deductibles have increased significantly in…...
Life in co-ownership is like a micro-society where disputes are omnipresent. Many conflicts are neighborhood quarrels, which are usually settled with civility. However, it happens that some disputes are fueled by co-owners thirsty for justice who will want to assert their rights in court at all costs. This is why divided co-ownership…...
The co-owners have a legal proceeding when they oppose decisions taken by the meeting of the co-owners. They generally seek to contest decisions they consider unjustified. In order to promote the stability of the decisions made at the meeting of co-owners, the legislator allows such recourse only in certain circumstances.…...
Initiating legal proceedings against a syndicate of co-owners is a measure of last resort, after having unsuccessfully explored private dispute prevention and resolution process. This path requires careful preparation and a thorough knowledge of the rules of law. This fact sheet is designed to guide those who are considering going…...
Declarations of co-ownership generally include a clause that holds each co-owner responsible (towards the other co-owners and the syndicate) for damages caused by their fault or negligence and by the fact of a property for which they are legally responsible. In the case Syndicat de la copropriété 650 Marcel-Laurin c. Neng (2024…...